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Continuing committee
Committee Members
- Chair/président(e)
Peter Macdonald
Milena Kurtinecz, Past Chair
Jenna Sykes
Jean-François Angers
Eshetu Atenafu
John Koval
Dena Schanzer
Malcolm Binns
David Bellhouse
You Liang
Ye (Lennon) Li
Sunita Ghosh
Tom Loughin
Fritz Pierre
Mina Aminghafari
Terms of Reference

The Accreditation Committee was established by motion of the Board of Directors on 8 June 2003. The legal document, Accreditation of Statisticians by the Statistical Society of Canada was first Approved 20 March 2004, by the Board of Directors.


Chair: Appointed by the Board. The Chair of the Accreditation Committee shall commit to serve the committee for a three-year term (1-year as Chair-Elect, 1 year as Chair and 1 year as Past-Chair).
Membership: Twelve other P.Stat. Members elected by the P.Stat. membership of the SSC. The term of office is three years. Approximately one third are replaced each year.


At the October 2007 Board meeting the following motion regarding the Chair of the Committee was approved.

MOTION: that the Chair of the Accreditation Committee be appointed by the Board of Directors from amongst the P.Stat. membership, upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, and in consultation with the Accreditation Committee, the Elections Committee and accredited members / que le président du Comité d'accréditation soit un membre portant la désignation P.Stat. élu par le Conseil d'administration, sur recommandation du Comité exécutif, après consultation auprès des comités d'accréditation et d'élection, ainsi que des membres accrédités. 

Note:  If the Chair of the Accreditation Committee is appointed from among the elected members of the Accreditation Committee, the individual so appointed relinquishes their term as an elected member on the Committee and their term on the Committee is replaced by the initiation of the term as Chair of the Accreditation Committee. The Board, upon advice of the Accreditation Committee, will appoint a P.Stat. member to fulfill the unexpired term of the elected member so appointed.

Terms and Duties

The Accreditation Committee is responsible to the Board, and operates under the terms of reference defined in the document Accreditation of Statisticians by the Statistical Society of Canada.

The mandate of the committee is:

  • to make recommendations to the Board about the accreditation process
  • to assess applications for the qualifications of A.Stat and P.Stat according to the approved requirements for qualification, and to make recommendations to the Board on applications for accreditation
  • to provide feedback to universities, employers, associations and other interested bodies as requested by the Board
  • to assist in the planning and provision of services to accredited members
  • to review requests for recognition of courses and inform the Board of its decisions (see Notes below).

The Accreditation Committee shall report to the Board at least twice a year, and furnish a written report at the Annual Meeting of the SSC describing the activities of the Committee in the preceding year.

The Accreditation Committee shall submit a budget proposal for the Accreditation process to the Treasurer each September.

Notes Regarding the Recognition of Courses:

  • At the October 2006 Board meeting, the following motion was approved.

    MOTION: that the Statistical Society of Canada recognizes certain courses as partially satisfying the requirements for the A.Stat. designation.
  • At the June 2007 Board meeting the following motion was approved.

    MOTION: That the Board instructs the Accreditation Committee to approve courses from universities to be used for facilitating the adjudication of applications for A.Stat. and report to the Board on such approvals. 

    Notes from the Board meeting:
    • The motions from the Accreditation Committee on such approvals should state that “The following suite of courses from ( Name of University) be used for facilitating the adjudication of applications for A.Stat.”
    • It is not appropriate to for the SSC to make the minimum mark requirements set by departments for such courses publically available.
    • Completion by a student of such courses does not, of itself, guarantee that the applicant will be recommended for an A.Stat. Rather, the submission of these courses will facilitate the committee's evaluation of the application.