Continuing committee Committee Members - Chair/président(e) Shirley Mills Ex officio 2025-06-30 Banibrata Roy 2027-06-30 Cheryl Gibbons 2025-06-30 Jill Vandemeerschen 2025-06-30 Kevin Keen 2026-06-30 Edward Chen 2026-06-30 Johanna G. Nešlehová 2026-06-30 More Information about Accreditation Terms of Reference Establishment The Accreditation Appeals Committee was established by the Board of Directors on 8 June 2003. Composition Chair: Past-President.Membership: Six P.Stat. members elected by the P.Stat. Membership of the SSC. The term of office is three years. One third are replaced each year. Terms and Duties The mandate of the committee is:to review appeals of negative decisions by the Accreditation Committeeto strike a panel to investigate substantiated allegations of misconduct, ethical issues, and/or misuse of the trademark, and issue a preliminary rulingto review members struck from the rolls for non-payment of the annual fee.The Accreditation Appeals Committee is the final arbiter for all appeals involving the accreditation process and its decisions are final. Decisions are made by majority vote with the Chair voting only in the case of a tie.The Accreditation Appeals Committee shall furnish a written report at the Annual Meeting of the SSC that maintains the confidentiality of the members affected.