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Continuing committee
Committee Members
- Chair/président(e)
Kuan Liu
Rhonda Rosychuk
Ex officio
Francois Marshall
Amadou Diogo Barry
Amanda Qiu
Jay Sivathayalan
Gracia Dong
Yuan Bian
Arjun Banik
Nikola Surjanovic
Hedayat Fathi
Vanessa McNealis
Ex officio
Terms of Reference

The Student and Recent Graduate Committee was established as a continuing committee by motion of the Board of Directors on May 26, 2013. The composition was amended at the Fall 2015 Meeting of the Board. 


Chair: Appointed by the incoming President
Membership: At least six additional members in good standing who are students or recent graduates appointed by the incoming President upon recommendation from the current committee. The members of the Committee should reflect the diversity of the geography of the SSC as well as the various types of programs that make up the student and recent graduate population. The incoming President shall also appoint a non-student Liaison to act as a resource to the Committee and help relay information between the Committee and the Board of Directors. The (co-)chair(s) of the student conference shall sit on the committee, either as members or as ex officio.

Terms and Duties

General Objectives of the Committee:

To coordinate activities for the Society's student and recent graduate members and act as an advocate in the SSC on their behalf.

Specific Objectives and Possible Activities:

• Increase the involvement of students and recent graduates in the SSC
• Enhance the services and activities offered to student and recent graduate members
• Assist the SSC Membership Committee with the recruitment of students and recent graduates
• Regularly communicate with students and recent graduates on activities and topics of interest
• Write articles for Liaison, oriented towards students and recent graduates
• Bring forward issues concerning students and recent graduates to the Board of Directors
• Maintain pages on the SSC website, and maintain a social-media presence, to provide information and resources to students and recent graduates in areas such as accreditation, scholarships, employment, conferences and workshops
• In coordination with the Program Committee, assist in planning activities of interest to students and recent graduates at the Annual Meetings, possibly including soft-skills workshops or panel discussions, tutorials and town hall meetings
• Prepare a package of supplementary material for students and recent graduates attending the SSC Annual Meeting, to raise awareness of student-oriented activities and sessions, and arrange for this supplementary material to be given to all registered students and recent graduates
• Help advertise opportunities available to students for financial assistance to attend the Annual Meetings
• In coordination with the Program Committee, take primary responsibility for any student conferences that may be organized by the SSC
• In coordination with the Membership Committee and the SSC Office, maintain an e-mail contact list of student and recent graduate members
• In coordination with the Membership Committee and the SSC Office, welcome new student and recent graduate members, alterting them to services and activites available and encouraging their participation
• Survey the student and recent graduate members of SSC, to achieve a better understand of issues that are important to these members and to solicit suggestions for how the scientific meetings could better address their needs
• Have a presence at other conferences where many students and recent graduate are present
• Communicate and work with the New Investigators Committee on activities of mutual interest