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Continuing committee
Committee Members
- Chair/président(e)
Jiguo Cao
Karim Oualkacha
Martin Lysy
Alexandre Girouard
Florian Maire
Terms of Reference

The CRM-sponsored award, consisting of a $3,000 award and a medal, was established at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 18 October 1997. The Terms of Reference of the Committee were amended at the March 2018 SSC Board meeting. 


Chair: Appointed by the CRM.
Membership: Three members in good standing appointed by the incoming President and one appointed by the CRM.

Terms and Duties

This award recognizes a statistical scientist's excellence and accomplishments in research during the first fifteen years after earning his/her doctorate (or equivalent degree). The award, which includes a $ 3,000 cash prize, is bestowed upon a Canadian citizen or permanent resident whose work was carried out primarily in Canada.

To be eligible for a prize awarded in year N, a candidate must have received his/her Ph.D. (or equivalent degree) in year N - 15 or subsequently. The committee may exceptionally consider candidates who have received their degree prior but very near to year N - 15, if it can be demonstrated that special circumstances, such as parental leaves or other leaves of absence from work, delayed professional achievements. Current membership in the Statistical Society of Canada is not a prerequisite.

Nominations should be addressed to the Director of the Centre de recherches mathématiques, and sent via e-mail to by February 1 of the calendar year in which the award is to be made. The nomination should be accompanied by at least three and no more than four letters of support, an up-to-date curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, and a suggested citation to accompany the award. The award is normally presented at the Annual Meeting of the SSC. The awardee is expected to give a presentation about his/her research work at the SSC meeting and at the Centre de recherches mathématiques. As nomination files are not carried over from one year to the next, nominations must be renewed each year.

The committee should arrange to have a call for nominations announcement of the award placed in the November issue of Liaison

As soon as the decision is made, the Chairperson must contact Vincent Masciotra of CRM (, so that the CRM can make arrangements to have the Medal and the check ready in time for the Annual SSC Meeting (at least six weeks before the SSC Meeting).

The SSC values and encourages Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in all of its nominations and awards. Please see the SSC guidelines on implicit bias (pdf).


See the CRM-SSC Prize in Statistics on the website of the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM).