Continuing committee Committee Members - Chair/président(e) Saman Muthukumarana 2026-06-30 Mireille Schnitzer 2025-06-30 Yildiz Yilmaz 2025-06-30 Camila de Souza 2026-06-30 David Haziza 2025-06-30 Don Estep Ex officio 2025-06-30 Jeffrey Rosenthal 2026-06-30 Research Committee Terms of Reference Establishment The Research Committee was established as a continuing committee at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 19 October 1986, and its duties extended on 17 October 2009. The Terms of Reference were amended at the March 2018 meeting of the Board. Composition Chair: Appointed by the incoming President.Membership: The SSC representative to the Canadian Consortium for Research (CCR), four additional members in good standing appointed by the incoming SSC President, and an ex-officio non-voting member appointed by CANSSI. Terms and Duties The Research Committee shall:monitor the state of the statistical sciences in Canada and make recommendations to the Board of Directors where appropriate;recommend and monitor liaisons with CANSSI as well as other societies and organizations and make recommendations to the Board of Directors in this regard;recommend to the Board of Directors co-sponsorship of joint scientific activities where appropriate;provide membership recommendations, when requested, for NSERC Evaluation Group 1508;recommend to the Board of Directors nominations to other national and international groups and committees concerned with statistical research;recommend to the Board of Directors statistical research areas which the Society should attempt to foster;maintain a dialogue between the statistical sciences community and the three federal funding councils (NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC);inform the statistical sciences community on the developments at these councils, and garner and transmit feedback from Canadian statisticians to the councils; andprovide a mechanism whereby early career researchers, especially those at smaller institutions, can receive assistance in the preparation of NSERC Discovery Grant proposals.