Continuing committee Committee Members - Chair/président(e) Milena Kurtinecz Ex officio 2025-06-30 Kathryn Morrison 2025-06-30 Fernando Camacho 2026-06-30 Judy-Anne Chapman 2026-06-30 Darcy Pickard 2026-06-30 Terms of Reference Establishment The SSC Committee on Accreditation Services was established as an ad hoc committee at a meeting of the Executive Committee on September 28, 2013. The SSC Board transitioned the ad hoc committee to a continuing committee at the October 2019 Board Meeting. Composition Chair: Past-Chair of the Accreditation Committee as a consequence of being the Past-Chair of the Accreditation Committee.Membership: At least four additional members among the accredited members in good standing who are appointed for a 3-year term (renewable once). The members of the Committee should reflect the diversity of geography and statistical interests of accredited members and should include A.Stat. and P.Stat. members. The Chair will submit names of potential candidates for consideration to the President who will make the appointments. Terms and Duties General Objective of the Committee:To plan and provide services/activities for the Society’s accredited members and to make the SSC accreditation program more widely well-known among statisticians and employers.Specific Objectives and Possible Activities:Support accredited statisticians in maintenance of ethics and professional development appropriate for their professional practice(s).Encourage networking amongst accredited statisticians.Plan activities for the Annual Meeting, e.g., an Invited Session, and/or a workshopCurate and update the Accreditation space in the SSC website with respect to Accreditation resouces.Promote and manage the Mentorship program.Promote and advertise local activities for accredited members, such as luncheons with guest speakers.Promote the accreditation program to statisticians and employers.Liaise with accreditation programs of other Statistical Societies, e.g. RSS, ASA, SSAI, ASSQ.