Continuing committee Committee Members - Chair/président(e) Wenjun Jiang 2025-06-30 Ismaïla Baldé 2025-06-30 Mohamed Belalia 2025-06-30 James McVittie 2026-06-30 Kuan Liu 2026-06-30 Zelalem Negeri 2027-06-30 Hina Shaheen 2027-06-30 New Investigators Community Page Terms of Reference Establishment The committee was first established in January 2007 as ad-hoc Committee on Young Investigators. By Executive decision, it was renamed as New Investigators Committee in April 2008. After a review of the Committee's activities, its term was extended to June 2010 based on their success in organizing events for and networking with junior researchers. In May 2010 its status was changed to “continuing” by the Executive Committee. This is the New Investigator Committee webpage. For more information about our mission, news, and upcoming events, visit our New Investigator Community page here. Composition Chair: Appointed by the incoming President.Membership: Six additional members in good standing, appointed by the incoming President. The members of the Committee should reflect the diversity of geography of the SSC. Terms and Duties General Committee Objective:To provide an open forum for junior investigators to network and discuss specific problems and difficulties that are typically met in the first years in academia, to unify efforts in resolving such issues and to voice their opinions on the operation of the SSC and, in particular, on how the SSC can help young researchers in the first years of their academic career.Specific Objectives:Organization of regional biennial workshops of junior faculty members and senior graduate students.Organization of formal and informal get-together meetings during annual SSC and JSM conferences.Organization of invited sessions and round table discussions specifically featured for junior researchers.Development and maintenance of a website for the purposes of reporting the activities of the Committee and providing links to useful online resources on research and time management for recent graduates.New Investigator Presentation Award Offered annually since 2018, the New Investigator Presentation Award is for contributed talks given by New Investigators. Entries will be judged on the quality of both the presentation and the underlying research. There will be one award winner and two runners-up. The award winner will receive a certificate and a \$500 cash prize. The runners-up will receive a certificate and a \$250 cash prize.To be eligible for the award the presenter must be within 5 years of beginning their first academic appointment (i.e., postdoctoral fellow or assistant professor), and within 10 years of completing their PhD program. Presentations based on joint work with a collaborator who does not fit the definition of a New Investigator are eligible, as long as the New Investigator presents the work. The SSC values and encourages Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in all of its nominations and awards. Please see the SSC guidelines on implicit bias (pdf). To enter, the New Investigator must:Submit the abstract of the contributed talk through the meeting website;Indicate at the time of submitting the abstract (in the space provided on the meeting website) that they wish to be considered for the award;Email to the date they obtained their PhD and the date they began their first academic appointment, so that their eligibility can be confirmed.