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Continuing committee
Committee Members
- Chair/président(e)
Angelo Canty
Ex officio
Jack Gambino
Ex officio
Judy-Anne Chapman
Ex officio
Hugh Chipman
Ex officio
Rhonda Rosychuk
Ex officio
Jeffrey Philipp
Larysa Valachko (non-voting / sans droit de vote)
Ex officio
Terms of Reference

The IT Committee was established in June-July 2014 as an ad-hoc committee. By motion of the Board, it was made a Continuing Committee in June, 2015. Terms of reference and committee composition were adopted at the October 2016 Board Meeting. The executive director was added as an ex-officio member at the March 8 2017 Board meeting.


Chair: Electronic services manager

Membership: Ex-officio past Electronic Services Manager, Electronic Communications Manager, Executive Director, Public Relations Officer, one other appointed member and one member of the Accreditation Services Committee The appointed member shall have a three-year term and be appointed by the President-Elect.  

Terms and Duties

The Information Technology Committee is in place to provide oversight and guidance to the Electronic Services Manager in ensuring that the day-to-day operations of the SSC's electronic presence is appropriately managed. This includes managing the website, internet and telephone services for the office, secure storage solutions for SSC documents, website domains and web servers and electronic mail services. Specific focus will be on ensuring a centralized IT infrastructure and long range planning to ensure that all electronic services and security are on an appropriate cycle for re-development.