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Continuing committee
Committee Members
- Chair/président(e)
Jack Gambino
Ex officio
Shirley Mills
Ex officio
Rob Deardon
Ex officio
Angelo Canty
Ex officio
Erica Moodie
Ex officio
Henrik Stryhn
Ex officio
Wesley Yung
Ex officio
Larysa Valachko (non-voting / sans droit de vote)
Ex officio
Terms of Reference

The SSC Office Committee was established as an ad-hoc committee at a meeting of the Executive on 22 October 2010, and it was converted to a continuing committee at the May 2014 Board Meeting.


Chair: Executive Director.
Membership: Appointed by the President and normally consisting of the Executive Director, President, President Elect and the Electronic Services Manager. The Treasurer was added to the membership at the Executive meeting of 2 December 2010. The Past-President was added to the membership at the October 2016 Board meeting and the Executive Secretary was added to the membership at the October 2019 Board meeting. 

Terms and Duties


  • Investigate alternatives and efficiencies regarding the SSC office and make recommendations to the Executive Committee.
  • Monitor ongoing office activities.


Term: 31 December 2012.