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Liaison Newsletter

Nominations for the 2024 SSC awards must be received by the following dates:

  • Gold Medal—January 31, 2024
  • Honorary Membership—January 31, 2024
  • Distinguished Service Award—January 31, 2024
  • Award for Impact of Applied and Collaborative Work—January 31, 2024
  • Pierre Robillard Award—January 31, 2024
  • CRM-SSC Prize—February 1, 2024
  • Lise Manchester Award—February 15, 2024
  • SSC Distinguished Educator Award—January 31, 2024
  • SSC Early Career Educator Award—(Stage 1) December 15, 2023

Nominations for the following 2024 COPSS awards must be received by December 15, 2023:

  • COPSS Distinguished Achievement Award and Lectureship 
  • Presidents' Award 
  • Elizabeth L. Scott Award and Lectureship 
  • COPSS Emerging Leader Award

When making a nomination, please consider the SSC's guidelines on implicit bias. For further information or assistance, contact the chair of the respective award committee.


The Gold Medal is awarded to a person who has made outstanding contributions to statistics or probability, either to mathematical developments or in applied work. The award is normally awarded to someone still active in research. The recipient should be a Canadian or permanent resident of Canada, and must have made high quality research contributions to the statistical sciences in Canada; the work justifying the nomination should have been done primarily in Canada in affiliation with the Canadian statistical sciences community. A recipient of the Gold Medal must have been actively engaged with the wider Canadian statistical community and be a member in good standing of the SSC.

A nomination for the Gold Medal consists of a nomination letter, a recent CV of the nominee, at least four letters of support, and a suggested citation to accompany the award. The nomination letter must make the case that the nominee has been actively engaged with the Canadian statistical community and has made high quality research contributions to the statistical sciences primarily while in Canada. Nominations for the Gold Medal will be considered valid for three successive competitions unless withdrawn by the nominators. See the nomination instructions for details.


Honorary Membership in the SSC is awarded to statistical scientists, or in special circumstances other individuals, of outstanding distinction who have made exceptional contributions to the development of the statistical sciences. The recipient should be someone whose work for which the Honorary Membership is awarded was substantially done in Canada or has had a major impact in Canada. The recipient need not be a member of the SSC.

A nomination for Honorary Membership consists of a recent CV of the nominee, at least three letters of support, and a suggested citation to accompany the award. See the nomination instructions for details.


The Distinguished Service Award is awarded to a person who has made substantial contributions to the running or welfare of SSC, over a period of several years. A recipient of the Distinguished Service Award must be a member of the SSC.

A nomination for the Distinguished Service Award should include a recent CV of the nominee, at least two letters of support and a suggested citation to accompany the award. See the nomination instructions for details. 

Nominations for the three SSC awards—the Gold Medal, Honorary Membership, and the Distinguished Service Award—must be received on or before January 31, 2024, by the chair of the SSC awards committee, Grace Yi. The submission process is not complete until the chair has confirmed receipt of the nomination.

Chair of the SSC Awards Committee
Grace Yi


The Award for Impact of Applied and Collaborative Work recognizes outstanding contributions by SSC members in collaborative research and applied work, the importance of which derives primarily from its relatively recent impact on a subject area outside of the statistical sciences, on an area of application, or on an organization. The award can be for published collaborative research, for collaboration in applied work (whether published or not), or more generally, for the impact of a statistician on a subject area or an organization (e.g., an institution, a company, or a government agency) through their collaborative or applied work.

The nomination package should consist of a letter of nomination and at least three letters of support, an up-to-date CV, a “layperson” description of the work and its impact expressed in terms suitable for publicity purposes, and a citation suitable for public announcement of the award. The nomination package should also include at least two letters from non-statisticians representing the field or organization that has felt the impact of the work. See the nomination instructions for details.

Nominations must be received on or before January 31, 2024, by the chair of the committee, Jemila Hamid. Electronic submission with PDF files is preferred. The submission process is not complete until the chair has confirmed receipt of the nomination.

Chair of the Impact of Applied and Collaborative Work Committee
Jemila Hamid


The Pierre Robillard Award recognizes the best PhD thesis defended at a Canadian university in a given year and written in the fields covered by the Canadian Journal of Statistics.

To nominate a thesis, the thesis and a nominating letter from the thesis supervisor must be sent to the committee chair, Christian Léger. The submission process is not complete until the chair has confirmed receipt of the nomination. See the nomination instructions for details. The deadline for nominations is January 31, 2024.

Chair of the Pierre Robillard Award Committee
Christian Léger


The CRM-SSC Prize recognizes a statistical scientist's excellence and accomplishments in research during the first 15 years after earning his/her doctorate (or equivalent degree). The award, which includes a $3,000 cash prize, is bestowed upon a Canadian citizen or permanent resident whose work was carried out primarily in Canada.

Nominations should be addressed to the director of the Centre de recherches mathématiques, and sent via email to The nomination for the CRM-SSC Prize should be accompanied by at least three and no more than four letters of support, an up-to-date CV, including a list of publications, and a suggested citation to accompany the award. See the nomination instructions for details. The deadline for nominations is February 1, 2024. The submission process is not complete until the chair of the CRM-SSC Prize committee has confirmed receipt of the nomination.

Chair of CRM-SSC Prize Committee 

Jiguo Cao


The biennial Lise Manchester Award, presented in even-numbered years, recognizes excellence in state-of-the-art statistical work that considers problems of public interest and is potentially useful for Canadian public policy.

Any relevant statistical contribution occurring during the previous 5 years can be nominated for the award in a given year. Each nomination must be supported by a member of the SSC. See the nomination instructions for details.

Nominations must be received on or before February 15, 2024, by the chair of the Lise Manchester Award committee, Mary Thompson. The submission process is not complete until the chair has confirmed receipt of the nomination.

Chair of Lise Manchester Award Committee
Mary Thompson 


The SSC Distinguished Educator Award recognizes sustained excellence in teaching statistics by SSC members, through significant contributions to evidence-based pedagogy and in leadership in statistical education in Canada. Such sustained excellence may be demonstrated through the development and improvement of evidence-based pedagogy, continued promotion to accessibility and inclusivity in learning, broad and continuing integration of research or professional experience into teaching, or evidence of success in statistics community building.

The nomination package should consist of a letter of nomination from a long-time collaborator or colleague, and two additional letters of support from statistics educators familiar with the candidate’s body of work. See the
nomination instructions for full details. Nominations should be sent to the chair of the Statistics Educator Awards committee, Wesley Burr.  The deadline for nominations is January 31, 2024.

Chair of Statistics Educator Awards

Committee Wesley Burr


The SSC Early Career Educator Award recognizes excellence in teaching statistics by early career SSC members, through commitment to evidence-based pedagogy and in contributions to statistical education in Canada. Such excellence may be demonstrated through contributions to the scholarship of teaching and learning, attention to accessibility and inclusivity of learning environments, or innovation in development and/or implementation of new courses, curricula or programs.

The nomination package for the first stage should consist of a letter of nomination and at least one (and no more than four) letters of support, and the candidate’s CV. See the nomination instructions ( for full details. Nominations should be sent to the chair of the Statistics Educator Awards committee, Wesley Burr. The deadline for the first stage of nominations is December 15, 2023.

Chair of Statistics Educator Awards Committee

Wesley Burr


The Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS), of which SSC is a member, is also seeking nominations. The deadline for nominations for the COPSS Presidents’ Award, the COPSS Distinguished Achievement Award and Lectureship, and the Elizabeth L. Scott Award and Lectureship, and the COPSS Emerging Leader Award is December 15, 2023. Members of the SSC are encouraged to nominate worthy candidates for these COPSS awards.

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