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SSC Distinguished Educator Award

The SSC Distinguished Educator Award recognizes sustained excellence in teaching statistics by SSC members, through significant contributions to evidence-based pedagogy and in leadership in statistical education in Canada. Such sustained excellence may be demonstrated through the development and improvement of evidence-based pedagogy, continued promotion to accessibility and inclusivity in learning, broad and continuing integration of research or professional experience into teaching, or evidence of success in statistics community building.

  • Nominees must be a current member of the Statistical Society of Canada, and have made significant and sustained contributions to statistical education in Canada, but need not be currently working or living in Canada.
  • Nominees must be active in Statistics education at the time of their nomination, or have had an extensive career or experience in the same, ending no more than five years in the past, and must have at least 10 years of experience in full-time tertiary educational appointments which include a statistics teaching role.
  • The SSC values and encourages Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in all of its nominations and awards. Please see the SSC guidelines on implicit bias (pdf).

Nominees for the Distinguished Educator Award should demonstrate extensive and sustained excellence in the practice of teaching statistics. This excellence may be demonstrated through (but not limited to): the development and improvement of evidence-based pedagogy; continued promotion to accessibility and inclusivity in learning; evidence of sustained use of self-reflective and responsive approaches to teaching; broad and continuing integration of research or professional experience into teaching; continued innovation in development and implementation of new courses, curricula or programs; evidence of success in statistics community building; or innovation in pedagogical methods. Evidence of national and international impact on statistics education is required, possibly including (but not limited to): peer-reviewed contributions to statistics education journals; authored textbooks or books on statistics and statistics education; development of curricula and standards; widely-adopted educational resources; and national or international service contributions to the statistics education community. Note: research student supervision is explicitly excluded from consideration for this award.

Nominees need not be currently working or living in Canada, but should have an active connection to Canada and the Canadian statistics education community to be considered, and be a current member of the SSC. A nomination is effective for three successive competitions (unless withdrawn by the nominator) and may be updated annually.

Nominees should be nominated by a long-time colleague/collaborator who is able to personally speak to the nominee’s extensive historical contributions. This nominating letter should come with at least two additional supporting letters from statistics educators familiar with the nominee’s contributions. The nominating letters should make clear how the nominee has had both broad and deep sustained impact: broad across the Canadian community in some way; and deep in their personal, local teaching; and sustained across a breadth of time. The awards committee will then consider the following criteria in adjudicating nominees for the award:

  • Quality and quantity of national and international impact on statistics education
  • Demonstrated excellence in the practice of teaching statistics, of development of teaching materials and pedagogies, and in actual teaching delivery across their career
  • Relative breadth of contributions across career
  • A clear connection by the nominee to Canada and the Canadian statistics education community

Jim Stallard, 2024 SSC Distinguished Educator Award Winner

Jim Stallard

The SSC Distinguished Educator Award recognizes sustained excellence in teaching statistics by SSC members, through significant contributions to evidence-based pedagogy and in leadership in statistical education in Canada. Such sustained excellence may be demonstrated through the development and improvement of evidence-based pedagogy, continued promotion of accessibility and inclusivity in learning, broad and continuing integration of research or professional experience into teaching, or evidence of success in statistics community building.

Alison Gibbs, 2023 SSC Distinguished Educator Award Winner

Alison Gibbs

The SSC Distinguished Educator Award recognizes sustained excellence in teaching statistics by SSC members, through significant contributions to evidence-based pedagogy and in leadership in statistical education in Canada. Such sustained excellence may be demonstrated through the development and improvement of evidence-based pedagogy, continued promotion to accessibility and inclusivity in learning, broad and continuing integration of research or professional experience into teaching, or evidence of success in statistics community building.