SSC Early Career Educator Award


SSC Early Career Educator Award


The SSC Early Career Educator Award recognizes excellence in teaching statistics by early career SSC members, through commitment to evidence-based pedagogy and in contributions to statistical education in Canada. Such excellence may be demonstrated through contributions to the scholarship of teaching and learning, attention to accessibility and inclusivity of learning environments, or innovation in development and/or implementation of new courses, curricula or programs.

Call for Nominations: 

  • Nominees must be a current member of the Statistical Society of Canada, and have made contributions to statistical education in Canada, but need not be currently working or living in Canada.
  • Nominees must be within 10 years of their first full-time tertiary educational appointment which included a statistics teaching role, with additional time allowance made for any career interruptions and leaves of absence up to a maximum of 5 additional years.
  • The SSC values and encourages Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in all of its nominations and awards. Please see the SSC guidelines on implicit bias (pdf).

Nominees for the Early Career Educator Award should demonstrate excellence in the practice of teaching statistics, with such excellence possibly being demonstrated through (but not limited to): contributions to evidence-based pedagogy; contributions to the scholarship of teaching and learning; attention to accessibility and inclusivity of learning environments; self-reflective and responsive approaches to teaching; active integration of one’s own research or professional experience into teaching; innovation in development and/or implementation of new courses, curricula or programs; innovation in community building for statistics, especially for students; or innovation in pedagogical methods. Some evidence of broad impact on statistics education beyond the nominee’s institution should be clear -- for example: creation of open educational resources; organizer or speaker on statistics education at national and international meetings and conferences; authorship of book chapters or textbooks relating to statistics; authorship of manuscripts on statistics education; editorial or senior editorial roles relating to statistics publication; or general contributions to the Canadian statistics education community. Note: research student supervision is explicitly excluded from consideration for this award.

The adjudication of the award will proceed in two stages. The first stage will be the nomination stage, where nominees must be nominated by a colleague/collaborator who is able to personally speak to the nominee’s contributions, with at least one (and no more than four) supporting letter(s) from past students supporting the nomination, and a copy of the candidate’s CV included with the file. Such nominations should make clear how the nominee has had broad and deep impact: broad across the Canadian community in some way, and deep in their personal, local teaching. The latter should be supported by the student letter(s) of support. The awards sub-committee will then consider the following criteria in short-listing nominees for the award:

  • Demonstrated excellence in the practice of teaching statistics, as communicated by the nominator
  • The relative impact of the nominees’ contributions beyond their institution
  • The clear connection of the nominee to Canada and the Canadian statistics education community, and ensuring that they are current members of the SSC.

Each nominee short-listed for the award will then (together with their nominator) be invited to contribute several supporting pieces of documentation to form a complete package. This will include:

  • Additional letters of support (up to the maximum of four, if not already contributed), ideally able to speak to the nominee’s teaching excellence (e.g., use of evidence-based pedagogy or scholarship of teaching and learning). These letters could come from graduated students upon whom the nominee had exceptional impact, and who are able to speak to the quality of teaching in retrospect. These letters are to be gathered by the nominator.
  • A teaching portfolio, possibly including (but not restricted to): a teaching dossier; example syllabi; statement of teaching philosophy; and so on. This will be contributed by the nominee, and is acceptable in any form available to the candidate as used to support their appointment, renewal, permanence, tenure, continuing status, or equivalent at their institution, to a maximum of 100 pages.

These contributions will then be added to the original nomination letters of support, and the overall package adjudicated using the same criteria as the first stage for the final decision and award.


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