Herbert MARSHALL, 1888-1977
Herbert Marshall studied Economics at the University of Toronto, graduating in 1915. After serving with distinction in Europe during World War I, he returned to teach Economics at the University of Toronto for two years and then joined the Dominion Bureau of Statistics in 1921. From then until the 1930s he directed pioneering work on the balance of international payments and Canadian-American Investment flows. This work and his considerable management abilities laid a firm foundation for development of the National Accounts in the 1940s. From 1942 until 1945. he was Assistant Dominion Statistician, and from 1945 until his retirement in 1956, Dominion Statistician. Although primarily involved in administration, he remained active in research and encouraged co-operation between government and university statisticians. After his retirement, he was for a time statistical advisor to the West Indies Federation. In 1947 and 1948, Marshall was Chairman of the U.N. Statistical Commission and, from 1950 to 1955, Vice-President of the Inter-American Statistical Institute. He became President of the Inter-American Statistical Institute in 1955 and maintained that office until 1962. Herbert Marshall was elected a Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 1948 and President in 1954; he was also elected Vice-President of the International Statistical Institute in 1958-1960.