Charles S. CARTER, 1907-1998
Born on October 2, 1907 in Quincy, Massachusetts, Charles Carter graduated in Engineering Administration from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1928. He worked for the American Telephone and Telegraph Company for a summer before joining Bell Canada in 1929, where he remained until his retirement in 1972. From 1946 until 1972 Carter directed statistical activities in the Montreal Head Office of Bell Canada, during which time he pioneered the implementation of statistical techniques into Canadian industry and the business community and gave employment opportunities and training to generations of Canadian statisticians. Always encouraging closer links and cooperation between statisticians in industry, business, government, and university, Carter was a founding member of the Montreal Chapter of the American Statistical Association and, after taking an active role in the organization of the Canadian Statistical Society, became its first president. From 1972 to 1975, Carter was director of Associate Relations with the Conference Board of Canada, and in I977 he was granted a Doctorate Honoris Causa from Concordia University. Charles Carter died on August 29, 1998 and is buried at the Cimetière Mont-Royal in Montréal.