- Causal Questions and Principled Answers
Els Goetghebeur, Ghent University; Saskia le Cessie, Leiden University; and Erica Moodie, McGill University
SSC 2018 Annual Meeting
June 3, 2018
Montreal, QC
- Handling Missing Data in R with MICE
Stef van Buuren, University of Utrecht
SSC 2017 Annual Meeting
June 11, 2017
Winnipeg, MB
- Analysis of Categorical Data
Christopher R. Bilder, University of Nebraska – Lincoln and Thomas M. Loughin, Simon Fraser University
SSC 2016 Annual Meeting
May 29, 2016
St. Catharines, ON
- Propensity scores: Methods, Models and Adjustments
David Stephens, McGill University
SSC 2015 Annual Meeting
June 14, 2015
Halifax, NS
- Spatial-Temporal Models in Epidemiology
Gavin Shaddick, University of Bath and Jim Zidek, University of British Columbia
SSC 2014 Annual Meeting
May 25, 2014
Toronto, ON
- Analysis of Life History Data with Multistate Models
Jerry Lawless and Richard Cook, University of Waterloo
SSC 2013 Annual Meeting
May 26, 2013
Edmonton, AB
- Emerging Issues in Analysis of Longitudinal Data: Subject-specific Models
Paul Rathouz, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health
SSC 2012 Annual Meeting
June 3, 2012
Guelph, ON
- A Practical Introduction to Hierachical Modelling for Spatially Referenced Data
Sudipto Banerjee, School of Public Health, University of Minnisota
SSC 2011 Annual Meeting
June 12, 2011
Wolfville, NS
- Graphs for Causal Inference
Miguel A. Hernán, Harvard School of Public Health and Robert Platt, McGill University
SSC 2010 Annual Meeting
May 23, 2010
Québec, QC
- Using Bioconductor for High Throughput Data
Robert Gentleman, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
SSC 2009 Annual Meeting
May 31, 2009
Vancouver, BC
- Regression Modelling Strategies
Frank Harrell, Vanderbilt University
SSC 2008 Annual Meeting
May 25, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
- Generalized Additive Models
Simon Wood, University of Bath, UK
SSC 2007 Annual Meeting
June 10th, 2007
St. John's, Newfoundland
- Applied Bayesian Methods
Michael Escobar, University of Toronto
SSC 2006 Annual Meeting
May 28th, 2006
London, Ontario
- Measuring and modelling space time processes for environment risk assessment
Jim Zidek, University of British Columbia
Nhu Le, BC Cancer Agency
SSC 2005 Annual Meeting
June 12, 2005
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- Statistical Learning and Data Mining
Rob Tibshirani, Stanford University
Hugh Chipman, University of Waterloo
SSC 2004 Annual Meeting
May 30, 2004, Montreal, Quebec
- Mixed-effects models for longitudinal data
Edward. F. Vonesh, Baxter Healthcare Corporation
SSC 2003 Annual Meeting
June 8, 2003
Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Design and Analysis of Cluster Randomization Trials
Allan Donner, The University of Western Ontario
Neil Klar, Cancer Care Ontario
SSC 2002 Annual Meeting
May 26, 2002
Hamilton, Ontario
- Inferences from Genetic Data on Pedigrees
E. A. Thompson, University of Washington
SSC 2001 Annual Meeting
Burnaby, British Columbia
- The Analysis of Event History Data
Richard Cook and Jerry Lawless, University of Waterloo
SSC 2000 Annual Meeting
June 4, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
- Estimation of Animal Abundance and Rates of Survival, Reproduction and Movement: A Survey of Recent Developments with Case Studies
Jim Nichols and Jim Hines from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Patuxent Environmental Science Centre, Patuxen, Maryland Carl Schwarz of Simon Fraser University
SSC 1999 Annual Meeting
June 6, 1999
Regina, Saskatchewan
- Modern Methods in Survival Analysis
T.R. Fleming, University of Seattle
D.P. Harrington, Harvard University
T. Therneau, Mayo Clinic
SSC 1998 Annual Meeting
May 31, 1998
Sherbrooke, Quebec
- Generalized Linear Mixed Models
Charles E. McCulloch, Cornell University
SSC 1997 Annual Meeting
June 1, 1997
Fredericton, New Brunswick
- Quantitative Risk Assessment Workshop
Louise Ryan and Paul Catalano, Harvard School of University
SSC 1996 Annual Meeting
June 2, 1996
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario
- Categorical Data Analysis
Gary G. Koch, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
SSC 1995 Annual Meeting
July 9th, 1995
Le Centre Sheraton, Montreal, Quebec
- Meta-Analysis
Andy Oxman, McMaster University
Jesse Berlin, University of Pennsylvania
SSC 1994 Annual Meeting
May 8, 1994
The Banff Conference Centre, Banff, Alberta
- Regression Analysis for Dependent Data
Kyung-Lee Liang and Scott Zeger, John Hopkins University
SSC 1993 Annual Meeting
June 6th, 1993
Acadia University, Wolfeville, Nova Scotia
- Analysis of Crossover Designs
George Wells, University of Ottawa
SSC 1992 Annual Meeting
May 30th, 1992
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
- Problems of interpretation involving multiplicity in clinical trials
Richard Simon, National Institutes of Health, Washington, D.C.
SSC 1991 Annual Meeting
June 3rd, 1991
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario