2003 Annual Meeting of the SSC in Halifax
BIOSTATISTICS WORKSHOPMixed-effects models for longitudinal data
June 8, 2003
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Leader: Edward. F. Vonesh, Baxter Healthcare Corporation
This workshop presents different methodologies associated with the analysis of generalized linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models for longitudinal data. Such fields as population pharmacokinetics (PK) and population pharmacodynamics (PD), bioassay, studies of biological or agricultural growth, and epidemiology all require fitting continuous and/or discrete data to generalized linear or nonlinear mixed models. In this workshop, we consider the use of both population-averaged (PA) and subject-specific (SS) models for such applications. A class of mixed-effects models is presented which one can use to jointly model continuous and/or discrete longitudinal data. Methods for estimating the parameters of interest, for evaluating model goodness-of-fit and for handling missing data will be discussed. These techniques will be illustrated using numerical examples from a variety of disciplines. Participants are expected to have a working knowledge of linear models and matrix algebra.
About the leader
Dr. Edward F. Vonesh Jr. obtained his Ph.D. in 1983 from the Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan. He is currently Senior Baxter Research Scientist, Applied Statistics Center, Baxter Healthcare Corporation, and Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine, Department of Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, and Adjunct Professor, Division of Statistics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL. His research interests include Outcomes Research; Kinetic Modeling in Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis; Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials; Statistical Methodolgy for Survival Analysis and Longitudinal Data. His special interests are in the area of Linear and Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models. He is on the Editorial Board, Peritoneal Dialysis International, is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA), Member of the Biometric Society (ENAR), an elected member of the International Statistical Institute and Past President of Northeastern Illinois Chapter of ASA. He has Over 50 peer-reviewed publications in areas of nephrology (JASN, AJKD, Kid Int., Perit. Dial Int., Blood Purif.) and statistics (JASA, Biometrics, Biometrika, Stat. In Med., Comm. In Stat.) and is a co-author of the book Linear and Nonlinear Models for the Analysis of Repeated Measurements (Marcel Dekker, 1997).