1996 Annual Meeting of the SSC in Waterloo
BIOSTATISTICS WORKSHOPQuantitative Risk Assessment Workshop
June 2, 1996
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario
Sponsored by the Biostatistics Section of the SSC
A one day workshop will be presented by Louise Ryan and Paul Catalano on the Sunday prior to the Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada at the University of Waterloo.
The topic will be developed from the basics of bioassay to new developments and research areas. A brief history and overview will be given. Issues arising in models for carcinogenicity and teratology, methods for multiple outcomes, risk assessment and dos e response modelling, and optimal design will be included. The workshop will be of interest to individuals for a variety of reasons due to the breadth of issues covered under the general topic of bioassay. However, it will be particularly useful to stati sticians working in the preclinical development of pharmacologic therapies. No prior experience in bioassay is required.
Paul Catalano is Assistant Professor and Louise Ryan Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard School of Public Health. Both also have joint appointments at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Drs. Catalano and Ryan have published extensiv ely on statistical issues in risk assessment, particularly related to developmental and reproductive toxicity. Dr Ryan also works in the area of carcinogenicity and Dr Catalano on neurotoxicity. Their work in these areas of application has lead to inter esting statistical contributions related to survival analysis, methods for clustered data, and analysis of multiple outcomes, including mixtures of discrete and continuous outcomes.
Registration will begin at 8:30 and the workshop will run from 9:00 to 5:00 with breaks for morning and afternoon coffee and for lunch. Registration fees are:
Member CDN$ 90/US$70 After Apr 15,1996 CDN$110/US$ 88
Non-member CDN$110/US$88 After Apr 15,1996 CDN$135/US$108
Student CDN$ 35/US$28 After Apr 15,1996 CDN$ 35/US$ 28
To register for this workshop, please use the registration form for the SSC Annual Meeting which was distributed with the February issue of Liaison or obtain a copy from the Society's Permanent Office:
Statistical Society of Canada
582 Somerset Street West
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 5K2
Tel: (613) 234-0171
Fax: (613) 237-9900
Email: sscoffice@carleton.ca
Registration forms are also available on the SSC web page (http://www.mast.queensu.ca/~ssc).
For further information about the workshop, please contact:
Dr. Sylvia R. Esterby
National Water Research Institute
P.O.Box 5050
867 Lakeshore Road
Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6
Tel: (905) 336-4790
Fax: (905) 336-4420
Email: sylvia.esterby@cciw.ca