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12th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS 12)

You are warmly invited to the first ICOTS to be held in Australia, from 12th to 17th July 2026. The beautiful conference venue is in the heart of Brisbane.

The first call for abstracts is now open for paper proposals to be featured under Main Topics 1-10.

See Home • ICOTS 12 for Main Topics (under Scientific Programme) and for Submissions and Important dates under Notices and Guidelines.

Workshop on Statistical Methods for Adaptive Treatment Strategies

The SSC is hosting a workshop on Statistical Methods for Adaptive Treatment Strategies on Instats on February 24, 2025, taught by Professor Erica EM Moodie, SSC President and Professor of Biostatistics at McGill University. As healthcare moves toward more personalized approaches, adaptive treatment strategies represent a critical area of research. These strategies are complex, and require innovative methods that tailor treatments to individual patients based on their unique characteristics and responses.

SSC Community Connections

Dear members of the SSC:

We are pleased to announce a new initiative called SSC Community Connections which aims to make connections across the SSC by shining a spotlight on individual members of our community. This initiative aligns with one of the strategic priorities of the SSC: to promote a sense of community in the statistical sciences and related fields.  

The COPSS Emerging Leader Award Committee is inviting nominations for the Emerging Leader Award  

Leadership is defined in the broadest sense, encompassing contributions in government, industry, and academia.


To recognize early career statistical scientists who show evidence of and potential for leadership and who will help shape and strengthen the field.

Guiding Principles

CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize

PIMS is pleased to announce the 2025 call for nominations for the prestigious CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize. Jointly presented by PIMS, the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM), and the Fields Institute, this award recognizes individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the field of mathematical research.

Please see the official announcement.

Update of the website

We launched a major update of the website. We have tried, wherever possible, to retain the look and feel of the old site, but you will notice some changes. As always with an upgrade of this magnitude, there may be things that were missed or which do not work as expected on the live site. We ask for you patience as we try to resolve these problems over the next few days.

NSERC Discovery Grants Information Session

The Statistical Society of Canada's Research Committee is pleased to offer a virtual NSERC Discovery Grants Information Session on Thursday, August 15, from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM EST. This session will feature valuable insights and practical advice from Dr. David Haziza of the University of Ottawa and Dr. Mireille Schnitzer of Université de Montréal, aimed at assisting participants in the successful preparation of their NSERC Discovery Grant applications.

Event Details: