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The Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) publishes SSC Liaison, an e-newsletter that advertises job postings, conferences, etc., in addition to news, committee reports and announcements for its 1100 members. Hard copies of past print issues are also displayed in coffee and lunch rooms of academic, research and company departments across Canada, thus expanding the readership to many statistics/mathematics students and statisticians far beyond the SSC membership.

Notice to Advertisers

SSC Liaison is sent to all SSC members as an email and appears online.  SSC Liaison is published six times per year in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Approximate deadlines for material are the 15th of the preceeding month. Bilingual material may be accepted up to 7 days later at the discretion of the Editor. We reserve the right to reject any advertisement at our discretion.

Posting a job advertisement

The Statistical Society of Canada offers three ways for you to publicize job advertisements:

  1. posting on;
  2. posting on + advertisement in Liaison;
  3. circulation on the d-ssc discussion list (no charge)


Rates ($ CAD)

Posting on the website         Posting on the website + in Liaison

Institutional members

$ 225 (25% discount applied) $ 300 (25% discount applied)


$ 300     $ 400

Please follow this link for more details.

Other types of advertisement

Advertising in the Liaison electronic Newsletter is at a cost of $500 for publication-ready submissions.  Advertisements can appear as a banner image, and/or a headline with a lead sentence within the Liaison newsletter.

For more information or to place an order, please contact  

Policy re: Conferences and Workshops

A listing of important Conferences and Workshops appears routinely as a service to SSC members. More elaborate announcements of Conferences and Workshops, if they are sponsored by the SSC, will be published in Liaison at no charge, in at most two issues.  Submission thereof follows the same procedure as newsletter article submission. Conferences and Workshops that are not sponsored by the SSC will be subject to the advertising rates.

Policy for Institutional Members 

Institutional Members will receive a 25% discount for all charges by Liaison associated with announcements of Conferences and Workshops, positions vacant, or other advertisements.

Submitting an article (SSC members only)

Please see this page for more information on how to submit a newsletter article to Liaison.