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The Canadian Journal of Statistics is a generalist journal, welcoming innovative contributions to theoretical, methodological, applied or computational statistics as well as to applied probability. It is the flagship journal of the Statistical Society of Canada, with an editorial panel that includes distinguished and experienced statisticians spanning a broad range of interests. The journal is free to read for Statistical Society of Canada members.

The CJS has a wide breadth/scope, with an emphasis on applicability and accessibility to non-specialists. Submissions are accepted in both French and English and abstracts for all articles are published in both languages. Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts using a modern LaTeX template distributed as the package cjs-rcs-article through the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network and available in both English and French. More details of the journal’s current editorial policies are provided in an Editorial published in the March 2022 issue; see

At CJS, the authors are at the heart of the editorial process. An editorial assistant helps them throughout the publishing process, and copy-editing assistance is provided by professional statisticians once papers are accepted for publication. Author guidelines are available at

The Statistical Society of Canada awards The Canadian Journal of Statistics Award annually to the best paper published in each volume; see

The journal also provides a venue for award-winning case studies fostering ingenuity in analyzing complex data; see

Furthermore, CJS runs a special issue showcasing the work of Canadian prize-winning statisticians.

Editor in Chief:

Professor Alexandra Schmidt
Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health
McGill University
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3A 0B9

Editor of Applications and Case Studies:

Professor Jinko Graham
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby (British Columbia)
Canada V5A 1S6

For a complete list of Associate and Former Editors and more information about the journal,    please visit the following webpage:

Managing Editor:

Llwellyn Armstrong
c/o Statistical Society of Canada
219-1725 St. Laurent Blvd
Ottawa, ON
Canada K1G 3V4

Editorial Assistant:

Julie Falkner