Registration is open. Please see the registration instructions and links to the registration form below.
Please note that the SSC Annual Meeting (SSC2025) and the Canadian Statistics Student Conference (CSSC2025) are completely separate events. Registration for one conference does not allow you to participate in the other conference. If you wish to attend both conferences then you MUST register separately for the two conferences and pay the appropriate registration fees for each.
Registered participants of the CSSC2025 will be provided with lunch and coffee breaks on Saturday May 24.
Registered participants of Sunday workshops will be provided with coffee breaks and lunch on Sunday, May 25.
Lunch and coffee breaks for the annual meeting participants will be provided on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (May 26-28).
Registration Deadlines:
Early Bird registration: April 7, 2025
Regular registration: April 8, 2025 - May 24, 2025
Abstract submissions: February 21, 2025 at 11:59 PM PDT
Onsite registration: May 25-28, 2025
Student Mixer Barbecue
There will be a barbecue to enable students to meet each other in a relaxed setting on Monday, May 26th. The barbecue will take place on campus and is free of charge for all student registrants. Students are, however, required to indicate if they will attend and whether they prefer a meat or vegetarian option. The SSC is very grateful to quanTA: The Centre for Quantum Topology and Its Applications for providing sponsorship of this barbecue for students.
Non-students are also very welcome to attend the barbecue and can purchase a ticket on the registration form at a cost of \$40.00 per ticket.
The Student Mixer Barbecue has reached capacity and tickets are no longer available.
Extra Banquet Tickets
There is a hard cap on the number of people who can attend the conference banquet at the Sheraton Cavalier Saskatoon Hotel (612 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3G9). As a result, it is not possible to purchase extra banquet tickets on the registration form. Registered attendees who wish to bring a guest to the banquet should email Clayton Forrest ( to be put on a waiting list for any tickets that may remain. Some tickets will be held to allow award winners to bring a guest and any remaining tickets will be sold to those on the waiting list. These will be invoiced directly by the SSC Office and will cost \$100.00. If any tickets still remain, or are returned by registered attendees, they will be available for purchase at the SSC2025 Registration Desk in Saskatoon.
Registration Instructions:
Already a member of the Statistical Society of Canada? Or wish to become a member of the Statistical Society of Canada?
Membership gives you a discount on the annual meeting.
If you do not have an SSC account:
- Please create one, make sure you are logged in.
- If you are not a member: Sign up for a membership.
- Then register for the annual meeting.
If you already have an SSC account:
- Please login.
- If you are not a member: Sign up for a membership.
- Then register for the annual meeting.
You should see the membership fee discounted from your meeting cost.
You must use the same e-mail address, first name, and last name, as on your membership to link it to your membership and receive a discount on your annual meeting registration.
Don't wish to become a member of the Statistical Society of Canada?
If you are interested in becoming a member, that membership will provide you a discount for the annual meeting. If you still do not wish to become a member, please:
If you do not have an SSC account:
- Please create one.
- Then register for the annual meeting.
If you already have an SSC account:
- Please login.
- Then register for the annual meeting.
Those registering to attend the meeting as non-members are eligible for refunds of their registration, subject to our refund policy.
NOTE: Lunch is included in all Workshop registrations and also for the SSC2025 Meeting.
Registration Desk
Registered participants can pick up their badges at the registration desk at the times and locations indicated below. Walk-ins should register online and present their receipt at the registration desk.
- Sunday May 25, 8:00 am-5:00 pm, Room 1010, Atrium E-wing of the Health Science Building
- Sunday May 25, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm, Convocation Hall of the Administration Building (location of the Welcoming Reception)
- Monday, May 26, 8:00 am-5:00 pm, Room 1010, Atrium E-wing of the Health Science Building
- Tuesday, May 27, 8:00 am-5:00 pm, Room 1010, Atrium E-wing of the Health Science Building
- Wednesday, May 28, 8:00 am-12:00 pm, Room 1010, Atrium E-wing of the Health Science Building
Onsite Transactions
To register for the conference onsite, please follow the instructions above and then come to the registration desk where we will print your badge. If you have already registered for the conference but wish to add a workshop please contact for instructions or come to the registration desk before the workshop on Sunday morning.
The Statistical Society of Canada endeavours to make the 2025 Annual Meeting in Saskatoon an inclusive and accessible event for all individuals, including individuals with disabilities. To request accommodation for a disability or to inquire about accessibility needs, registrants are advised to contact the Local arrangements Co-Chairs: Juxin Liu and Shahedul Khan,
If you have any questions or concerns about your registration please don't hesitate to contact us at