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Case Studies    

The Case Studies in Data Analysis Poster Competition will be on Monday, May 26, 2025. The case studies are intended to provide enthusiastic teams of graduate and senior undergraduate students with the opportunity to use data analysis to address issues of current importance in society. Each participating team will choose to analyze one of the two studies described below. Each team is strongly encouraged to identify a faculty member to support the members as they develop their analytic approach and final presentation. Team members will work together to present a poster summarizing their methods and analysis results.

Case Study #1:    Prediction of New Onset Atrial Fibrillation Using Routinely Reported 12-Lead ECG Variables and Electronic Health Data 

Case Study #2:    Analysis of historical environmental data collected by ocean gliders in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence 


A single award in each of the two case studies will be presented to the top team and be announced at the banquet. The value of the award from SSC for each case study in the 2025 competition is 2,500 Canadian dollars, with the expectation that this award is shared equally among the members of each winning team. However, depending on the number of entries or balance between the two studies, the Committee reserves the right to change this award scheme and amount.  

Important Dates

April 1, 2025: Registration

Teams interested in participating in the competition must submit the following information by this date by emailing the Chair of the Case Studies in Data Analysis Committee, Dr. Chel Hee Lee ( The registration information should include the names and emails of the team leader, team members, faculty mentor(s), university name, case study name, and potential presentation title. In addition, we require that the number of team members (either undergraduate students or graduate students) in a team should be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4, including a team leader. Late registration is allowed under certain conditions. Note that the designated team leader must be registered for SSC 2025 in order for the team to register for the Case Studies Competition.

May 2, 2025: Abstract Submission

The registered teams should submit the abstract (AbstractTemplate2025.docx) to the committee chair, Dr. Chel Hee Lee ( The poster slot number and poster specifications will be delivered. 

May 16, 2025: PDF and Audio/Video Submission

The registered teams are expected to submit the PDF version of your poster and 5-7 min audio/video description to the committee chair by 5 pm MST.   

May 26, 2025: Poster presentation judging 

The Committee of the Award for Case Studies in Data Analysis will consider such attributes as methodologic rigor, appropriateness, innovation, technical clarity, the effectiveness of graphical displays, cohesiveness of the analysis, and interpretation and presentation of results. Each poster will be evaluated by a team of 3-4 judges and also by all participants registered for the Case Study Competition. The chair will collect all evaluations and rank all participating teams to identify a winner for each case study.


Many thanks to members of the Case Studies in Data Analysis Committee for SSC2025 for their contributions: Dr. Chel Hee Lee (University of Calgary), Dr. May Raad (HDR), Dr. Robert Balshaw (University of Manitoba), and Dr. Félix Camirand Lemyre (Université de Sherbrooke).