New Investigators Committee

We Want to Help You!

The New Investigators Committee of the SSC is striving to reach out to all New Investigators within the statistical community in Canada. The first few years of academic life can be isolating and challenging -- even if you are fortunate enough to be in a department with many other statisticians. Our goal is to engage New Investigators across Canada to provide support, resources, and camaraderie to one another during these important first few years of your academic career.

Among other things, the New Investigators Committee will be organizing an informal social gathering for anyone who is a new investigator, or feels like one, at the 2018 SSC Annual Meeting. We will also be organizing invited research sessions to showcase the work of New Investigators at the upcoming SSC Annual Meeting as well as the 2018 Joint Statistical Meetings. We hope that you will join us for these events and that you will help us to build our network of new investigators.

If you know of someone (or are someone!) who might like to connect with us, we invite you to either join our mailing list, or to email us at

Nathaniel Stevens

Chair of the New Investigators Committee







Nathaniel Stevens (Chair), University of San Francisco
Daniel Roy, University of Toronto
Aaron Smith, University of Ottawa
Hua Shen, University of Calgary
Reza Ramezan, University of Waterloo
Tolulope Sajobi, University of Calgary
Jeff Andrews, University of British Columbia
Audrey Béliveau, University of British Columbia




Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Liaison Newsletter: