Message from the President

Hugh Chipman

Welcome to the second online “issue” of Liaison!  Adjustments to the new format are still being made, but you can expect that issues will be published more often than the old newsletter.  

During the transition, Public Relations Officer Dave Campbell will be managing the newsletter.  We hope to have settled into a routine by early 2018, with issues coming as often as once a month.



Summer School in Health Statistics 2018, (McGill University)

Erica E. M. Moodie (Biostatistics), Alexandra M. Schmidt (Biostatistics), and David A. Stephens (Mathematics and Statistics) are organizing a Summer School in Health Statistics at McGill University during the week of May 28-June 01, 2018, to be held the week before the SSC meeting in Montreal. This activity is linked to McGill’s new CANSSI Health Statistics training network:

Special CJS issue on “Stochastic Models, Statistics, and Finance” Call for Submissions


The Canadian Journal of Statistics

Coming Attractions of The Canadian Journal of Statistics: 2017 Issue 3


In the third issue of 2017, The Canadian Journal of Statistics presents six papers covering mixture models, Bayesian analysis, adaptive designs, rank tests, and empirical likelihood. 

Tips for Successful CIHR Applications


The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is Canada’s funding agency dedicated to health research. The CIHR funds research in all areas of health, from basic lab research to clinical research to public health research.  Of particular relevance to the statistical community, CIHR does fund statistical methods research.

Tenure track position in Statistics (Big Data) Université Laval


Open Positions in Statistics or Biostatistics, University of Waterloo

Waterloo logo

Application Deadline: September 15, 2017 DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS & ACTUARIAL SCIENCE

Tenure-Track Position in Big Data Analytics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Windsor

U Windsor logo

Position # 001991TT-2018-MAT-SPF50-45

The University of Windsor invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the rank of Assistant Professor in the area of Big Data Analytics, commencing July 1, 2018. This position is subject to final budgetary approval.

New Investigators Committee

We Want to Help You!

The New Investigators Committee of the SSC is striving to reach out to all New Investigators within the statistical community in Canada. The first few years of academic life can be isolating and challenging -- even if you are fortunate enough to be in a department with many other statisticians. Our goal is to engage New Investigators across Canada to provide support, resources, and camaraderie to one another during these important first few years of your academic career.

News from McGill University


Dr. Alexandra M. Schmidt was selected as a recipient of the 2017 Distinguished  Achievement Medal for the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and the Environment (ENVR). She has been given this award for:

News from the Probability Section

Congratulations to Clemonell Bilayi-Biakana for the best oral presentation in the Probability Section Student Competition during the 2017 SSC Annual General Meeting in Winnipeg. He presented a paper entitled "Tail Empirical Processes for Stochastic Volatility Models".

Clemonell is a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa. He is supervised by Gail Ivanoff and Rafal Kulik.

Other News

Alberto Nettel-Aguirre was promoted to Associate professor July1,2017 at University of Calgary. 



News from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Winnipeg:

New Accreditations of the SSC

It is with great pleasure that the Board of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) awarded the P.Stat. or A.Stat. designation to the following individuals.

Call for Nominations: SSC Award for Impact of a Statistician in Applied and Collaborative Work

The SSC Award for impact of a Statistician in Applied and Collaborative Work is given to a Canadian or to someone residing in Canada, who is a member of the Society and who has made outstanding contributions in applied and collaborative work, the importance of which derives primarily from its relatively recent impact on a subject area outside of the statistical sciences, on an area of application, or on an organization. 

Call for Nominations: SSC Gold Medal, SSC Honorary Membership, SSC Distinguished Service Award

Nominations for the three SSC awards - the Gold Medal, Honorary Member, and the Distinguished Service Award – must be received on or before January 31, 2018. The deadline for nominations for the Fisher Lectureship is December 15, 2017 and the deadline for nominations for the COPSS Presidents’ Award, the Scott Award, the David Award and the Snedecor Award is January 15, 2018.

Call for Nominations: Pierre Robillard Award

The aim of the Pierre Robillard Award is to recognize the best PhD thesis defended at a Canadian university in a given year and written in the fields covered by The Canadian Journal of Statistics.

Call for Nominations: CRM-SSC PRIZE in STATISTICS

The Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) and the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) solicit nominations for the CRM-SSC Prize, which is awarded in recognition of a statistical scientist’s professional accomplishments in research during the first fifteen years after earning a doctorate.                    

Call for Nominations: Lise Manchester Award

This award commemorates the late Dr Lise Manchester’s abiding interest in making use of statistical methods to provide insights into matters of relevance to society at large.

        The award recognizes excellence in state-of-the-art statistical work which considers problems of public interest and which is potentially useful for formation of Canadian public policy. 

Results of the 2017 SSC Elections

The SSC 2017 Election was held between April 15 and May 15, 2017. There were 1318 members eligible to vote and 371 ballots were received, a participation rate of approximately 28%. Of the 147 P.Stat.-accredited members eligible to vote for the openings on the accreditation committees, 80 voted, a participation rate of over 54%. All but two of the ballots were submitted electronically.


 (Three-year Terms) 

Posting a job advertisement

The Statistical Society of Canada offers three ways for you to publicise job advertisements:

circulation on the d-ssc discussion list (no charge); posting on ($200); posting on + advertisement in Liaison ($300)

Instructions for each to follow.

1. Circulation on the d-ssc Discussion List