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Récipiendaires du prix de La revue canadienne de statistique
“Bootstrap diagnostics and remedies”

The Statistical Society of Canada today announced that Angelo Canty, Anthony Davison, David Hinkley and Valérie Ventura have been awarded The Canadian Journal of Statistics Award for the best paper published in the journal for 2006, judged according to excellence, innovation and presentation.

 The paper is titled “Bootstrap diagnostics and remedies”.

 Bootstrap techniques are popular, flexible tools that statisticians use to quantify uncertainty in estimation procedures. These methods are applied in many areas, from the analysis of data arising from cancer studies to modeling insurance claims. However, bootstrap techniques require certain mathematical assumptions to be met in order for the computed quantities to be valid and reliable. Because this paper provides fast and simple procedures for checking some of these assumptions, the methods will be quickly incorporated into the toolboxes of many statisticians.

 Dr. Canty is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McMaster University; Dr. Davison is a Professor of Statistics at the École Poytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland; Dr. Hinkley is a Professor of Statistics in the Department of Statistics and Applied Probability at the University of California, Santa Barbara; Dr. Ventura is a Research Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.