SSC accreditation ( is a program for professionals with peer reviewed recognition of statistical training who have shown evidence of good oral and written communication skills in applied practice. Accredited members commit to the SSC Code of Ethical Statistical Practice (The Statistical Society of Canada Code of Ethical Statistical Practice/Code de déontologie statistique de la SSC) and maintain professional competencies appropriate to their areas of practice.
- Both accredited members and their employers benefit from identification in the SSC public directory:
- Universities and their students benefit from inclusion in the accreditation committee approved course list:
- Networking and mentoring matching are facilitated with a searchable accreditation database.
A.Stat. qualifications:
- Bachelor's degree in statistics or equivalent of education and professional experience
- Substantive area courses
- Communication skills
- Adherence to SSC Code of Ethical Statistical Practice
- Maintenance of appropriate professional development (annual reporting and update of areas of expertise)
- Maintenance of SSC membership and SSC accreditation dues
P.Stat. qualifications:
- Formal statistical education
- At least 6 years' experience in statistics
- Fields of expertise
- Communication skills
- Adherence to SSC Code of Ethical Statistical Practice
- Maintenance of appropriate professional development (annual reporting and update of areas of expertise)
- Maintenance of SSC membership and SSC accreditation dues