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Liaison Newsletter

Members of the SSC are hereby invited to volunteer or suggest names to fill positions in the SSC. A preliminary slate of candidates is to be presented in October by the election committee. Suggestions of names or nominations are requested for the following positions.

Members of the executive committee of the SSC (three-year terms)

  • President-Elect
  • Executive Secretary

Regional representatives on the board of directors (two-year terms)

Regional representatives from all regions:

  •  Atlantic Region (1)
  •  Quebec (2)
  •  Ontario (2)
  •  Manitoba, Saskatchewan, N.W.T., Nunavut (1)
  •  Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon (1)

Section officers (three-year terms; two-year terms for Survey Methods Section)

Nominations or suggestions are requested for executive positions in the seven sections:

  •  Actuarial Science Section (President-Elect, Treasurer)
  •  Biostatistics Section (President-Elect, Treasurer)
  •  Business and Industrial Statistics Section (President-Elect, Treasurer)
  •  Data Science and Analytics (President-Elect)
  •  Probability Section (President-Elect)
  •  Statistical Education Section (President-Elect, Treasurer) 
  •  Survey Methods Section (President-Elect, Treasurer)

Members of the accreditation committee 

Three positions will be elected, each for a three-year mandate. Candidates must be
P.Stat. members.

Members of the accreditation appeals committee 

One position will be elected for a three-year mandate. Candidates must be P.Stat.

Please communicate your suggestions to any member of the election committee
before October 1, 2023. More formal nominating petitions (signed by five members
of the SSC) may be sent before January 15, 2024, to the chair of the election

The SSC election committee for 2023–2024 consists of the following members:

Bruno Rémillard, Chair
Jun Cai,  Actuarial Science
Joseph Beyene, Biostatistics
Reza Ramezan, BISS
Tiffany Timbers, Data Science and Analytics
Shui Feng, Probability
Wesley Burr, Statistical Education
Wilson Lu, Survey Methods
Fabrice Larribe, Accreditation
Nancy Heckman, Appointed
Radu Craiu, Appointed
Derek Bingham,  Appointed
Bruno Rémillard  
Chair of the election committee

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