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Liaison Newsletter

The following statisticians were recently accredited. 

Philip J Schmidt (P.Stat)

Since graduating with a PhD in civil engineering from the University of Waterloo, Dr. Schmidt has held an NSERC Visiting Fellowship at the Public Health Agency of Canada, worked in private sector research and development of decentralized direct potable reuse, and returned to the University of Waterloo as a research assistant professor (and occasionally a sessional lecturer of probability & statistics). His research interests include rigorous analysis of microbial data, quantitative microbial risk assessment, and exploration of mechanistic dose-response models among other topics at the interface of environmental engineering, statistics, public health, and microbiology. Recent publications have addressed topics such as re-evaluation of norovirus dose-response in light of non-identifiability in existing models, correcting the practice of regarding microbial non-detects as censored data, discussing non-identifiability and its impacts upon experimental design and Bayesian analysis, and highlighting the bias and public health implications of using average log-reduction as a measure of average water treatment performance. He serves on the editorial board of the journal Microbial Risk Analysis.

Kaitlyn M. Tsuruda (A.Stat)

Kaitlyn works as a statistician and data manager in the Research Department at the Cancer Registry of Norway. She supports researchers in various stages of the research process, from data management and documentation to statistical analyses, interpretation, and manuscript writing. Her work focuses largely on breast, prostate, and lung cancer.



Syed Ahmad Munirul Asrar (A.Stat)

Syed is a recent graduate from McGill University where he pursued an honours degree in economics and mathematics with a specialization in statistics. He is currently working as a research assistant at the Institute of Health and Social Policy at McGill University, in particular, with the Wellbeing Economics Group. Having had the opportunity to explore statistics to a fair degree throughout his studies, he is very excited to learn more about, and to involve himself in, high-quality, cutting-edge statistical work that is geared towards solving pressing challenges facing Canada. In the future, Syed wishes to be a professional statistician engaged in meaningful statistical work. 

Chelsea Uggenti (A.Stat)

Chelsea is a fifth-year PhD candidate in statistics at the University of Western Ontario (UWO). Chelsea received her MSc in statistics at UWO and her BA in mathematics at Wilfrid Laurier University. Her research consists of characterizing wildland fire lifetimes in Ontario using multistate and joint modelling methods using both frequentists and Bayesian techniques. She is also investigating Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) training and development in UWO's School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.

Sun Yue (A.Stat)

Sun Yue is a statistics professional with expertise in applying scientific methodologies and tools, actuarial knowledge, data mining, and advanced statistics.  She received her bachelor's degree in statistics in 2018 from Simon Fraser University. 


Ziyi Liu (A.Stat)

Ziyi Liu received a BSc in statistics in 2021 from the University of Ottawa.



Tae Yoon (Harry) Lee (A.Stat)

After completing BSc (Honours) in statistics at the University of British Columbia, Harry continued his training in statistics at the same institution, under the supervision of Dr. Matias Salibian-Barrera and Dr. James V. Zidek. His MSc thesis was to develop a robust method for partial linear and partial additive models with applications to detection of disease outbreaks, in collaboration with the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, with Dr. Salibian-Barrera. With Dr. Zidek (and later with Dr. Nancy Heckman), he studied statistical invariance principles and their application to dimensional analysis, resulting in a manuscript (currently under review at Statistical Science). Now Harry is receiving PhD training in health outcomes research, an interdisciplinary field of data science, epidemiology, health economics, and decision analysis, under the supervision of Dr. Mohsen Sadatsafavi (Respiratory Evaluation Sciences program, Collaboration for Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences) and Dr. John Petkau (Department of Statistics). 

Joëlle Rousseau Trépanier (A.Stat)

Joëlle received her MSc in mathematics in 2019 from UQAM with a focus in statistics.  She received her BSc in 2016 from UQTR in mathematics specializing in statistics.

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