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Apply now for CANSSI Collaborative Research Teams funding
Liaison Newsletter

Many of today's complex problems in science, engineering, health, and society call for collaboration among teams spanning specialties and disciplines.

CANSSI's Collaborative Research Teams (CRT) program fosters the creation of such teams by providing up to $210,000 over three years for projects led by statistical scientists that include faculty, postdocs, and students from multiple disciplines and institutions.

The program leverages Canada’s statistical and data science expertise to tackle real-world applications in science, engineering, health, and society. It contributes to the training of the next generation of statistical scientists with the capacity to contribute to society.

Emphasis is placed on projects that

  • pursue fundamental research in the statistical sciences (actuarial science, biostatistics, inferential data science, and statistics);
  • are motivated by research challenges arising in an application;
  • facilitate the training of highly qualified personnel in interdisciplinary environments; 
  • foster collaboration between researchers across Canada.

Statistical sciences research that addresses problems of broad importance should be at the core of each team's work, and training of students and postdoctoral fellows should be the primary activity.

Applications for the next round of funding are now open.

The deadline for submitting a letter of intent is April 30, 2023.

Visit the CRT program page for full details on how to apply.

Note that CANSSI director Don Estep and deputy director Andrea Benedetti are available to advise you on how to prepare your application. Please don't hesitate to contact them.

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