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ssc 2023 people
Liaison Newsletter

The 50th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC 2023) will be held at Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario from Sunday, May 28 to Wednesday, May 31, 2023. As in the last few years, the Canadian Statistics Students Conference will take place on the Saturday (May 27) before the annual meeting, also at Carleton University. The SSC 2023 local arrangements co-chairs, Shirley Mills and Yiqiang Q. Zhao of Carleton University and the program chair, Sévérien Nkurunziza of the University of Windsor have organized an exciting conference. As this will be our first in-person meeting since 2019, we are hoping to welcome many individuals to the campus of Carleton University for these events. The Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend has just been announced for May 27–28 and that event brings tens of thousands to Ottawa, so we encourage you to book your travel and accommodations as soon as possible. Our banquet will be on Tuesday, May 30 at the Museum of History across the Ottawa River in Gatineau; seating there is limited to 600 so we encourage you to register early for the conference as late registrants cannot be guaranteed a banquet ticket. For registration information and information on travel and accommodation, please check A first look at the events and sessions is now available at


A number of workshops organized by the sections of the Society will run concurrently on Sunday, May 28. The first plenary session starts Monday morning with the presidential invited address, this year by Pierre Del Moral. That evening there is the welcome reception in Richcraft Hall atrium and patio located on the 2nd floor of Richcraft Hall on campus and overlooking the Rideau River. The scientific program features both committee- and section-sponsored invited sessions, sessions with contributed papers and posters, as well as a Case Studies Competition. 


Five workshops are organized for Sunday, May 28. For a detailed description of these training activities, which are open to all meeting registrants including students, see Workshops on the meeting website 2023-ssc-annual-meeting-ottawa/workshops-2023

Actuarial Science Workshop
Title: Machine Learning and Data Mining in Insurance and Finance 
Speakers: Emiliano Valdez (University of Connecticut, USA), Xiaofei Shi (University of Toronto, ON, Canada), Arthur Charpentier (Université du Québec à Montréal, QC, Canada), Ben Feng (University of Waterloo, ON, Canada).

Biostatistics Workshop
Title: Design, Analysis, Conduct, and Reporting of Pragmatic Trials Including Controversies and Confusions about Them 
Speakers: Lehana Thabane (McMaster University, ON, Canada), Kevin Thorpe (University of Toronto, ON, Canada).

Business and Industrial Statistics Workshop
Title: Using R on HPC Clusters
Speaker: George Ostrouchov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA).

Data Science and Analytics Workshop
Title: Introduction to Machine Learning in Python with Scikit-Learn
Speakers: Varada Kolhatkar (University of British Columbia, BC, Canada); Joel Ostblom (University of British Columbia, BC, Canada).

Probability Workshop
Title: Stochastic Modelling of Financial and Energy Markets Data
Speaker: Anatoliy Swishchuk (University of Calgary, AB, Canada).

Statistical Education Workshop
Title: Developing Students’ Communication Skills in Statistics
Speakers: Omidali (Omid) Aghababaei Jazi (University of Toronto Mississauga, ON, Canada), Katherine Daignault (University of Toronto, ON, Canada), Chelsea Uggenti (University of Waterloo, ON, Canada).

Survey Methods Workshop
Title: Statistical Methods for Handling Missing Data 
Speaker: Jae-Kwang Kim (Iowa State University, Iowa, USA).


SSC Presidential Invited Address:

Pierre Del Moral
Institut national de recherche en informatique 
et en automatique                                         

SSC Gold Medal Address:

David A. Stephens, McGill University

SSC 2022 Impact Award Address:

Lehana Thabane, McMaster University

Business and Industrial Statistics - Isobel Loutit Invited Address:

Derek Bingham, Simon Fraser University

Survey Methods - Presidential Invited Address Session:

Mike Brick, Westat






New Investigators

Recent Advances by New Investigators across Canada

Kevin McGregor

York University


Spotlight on CANSSI Postdocs

Andrea Benedetti

McGill University

ICSA–Canada Chapter (International Chinese Statistical Association)

New Advances in Statistics and Data Science

 Dehan Kong

University of Toronto

Accreditation Committee

Early Career Mentoring through the SSC Accreditation Program

 Fabrice Larribe and   Beatrice Baribeau

UQAM and Statistics Canada

Actuarial Science


Stochastic Optimization in Insurance and Finance

 Jean-François   Renaud 


Mortality Modelling and Longevity Risk

 Hong Li

University of Guelph

New Developments at the Interface of Finance and Pension  

 Jean-François   Begin 

Simon Fraser University 

Model Uncertainty in Insurance and Finance

 Fangda Liu

University of Waterloo


New Approaches to Genetic and Genomic Problems by Young Canadian Researchers

 Lei Sun


University of Toronto


Statistical Modelling and Computational Intelligence for High-Dimensional Biological Data

 You Liang

Toronto Metropolitan University


Advances in Spatial Epidemiology

 Rob Deardon

University of Calgary

The Collaborative Statistician: Learning the Tricks of the Trade

 Tolu Sajobi

University of Calgary





Business and Industrial Statistics (BISS)

Isobel Loutit

Invited Address

 Reza Ramezan

University of Waterloo

Statistics in Transportation

 Aurélie Labbe

HEC Montréal

Recent Advances in Mixture-Model Based Classification

 Ryan Browne

University of Waterloo

Recent Developments in High-Dimensional Inference 

 Farouk Nathoo

University of Victoria

Data Science and Analytics

Reproducibility in Machine Learning and Statistics

 Tiffany Timbers

University of British Columbia

Statistical Modelling and Data Science in Industry: A Showcase

 Matthew Greenberg

University of Calgary

Data Science Ethics and Fairness

Joel Ostblom 

University of British Columbia

Data Science and Analytics Section Keynote Lecture

 Nathaniel Stevens

University of Waterloo

New Tools in Teaching Statistics

 Wanhua Su

MacEwan University


Stochastic Spatial Models for Vegetation

 Priscilla Greenwood

University of British Columbia

In Celebration of 50 years of Research in Stochastics at Carleton University: Session in Honour of Miklós Csörgő

 Barbara Szyszkowicz

Carleton University

50 Years of Stochastics at Carleton University:

Session in Honour of Donald A. Dawson

 Bouchra Nasri


École de Santé Publique de l'Université de Montréal

Statistical Inference in Stochastic Models

 Natalia Stepanova

Carleton University

Statistical Education

SES President's Invited Address

 Wesley Burr

Trent University

Maximizing Learning Capacity in a Joyful Environment in Statistical Education

 Suborna Ahmed


Statistics in Schools

 Samantha-Jo Caetano

University of Toronto 

Survey Methods

SMS Presidential Invited Address 

 Wilson Lu

Acadia University

Statistical Inference by Combining Information from Multiple Sources

 Changbao Wu

University of Waterloo

Recent Advances in Small Area Estimation 

 Mahmoud Torabi

University of Manitoba

Some Recent Research Contributions at Statistics Canada

 Jean-François   Beaumont 

Statistics Canada 


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