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Liaison Newsletter

This summer, Prof. Alexandra Schmidt organized the 2022 ISBA World Meeting in Montréal. It was the first time that ISBA has been held in Canada and was a tremendous success. The scientific committee received a tremendous number of high-quality submissions; ultimately, the program included five short courses, four foundational lectures, four keynote lectures, two named lectures, 54 invited sessions, 18 contributed sessions, and three poster sessions. Recordings of the foundational, keynote, and named lectures are available at ISBA's YouTube page:

The meeting drew over 600 attendees from different continents. Further, the meeting was innovative in its accessibility aims, and provided childcare in situ.

Alex recognizes the help of several members of the Quebec statistical community including Aurélie Labbe (HEC, Montréal) and Geneviève Lefebvre (UQAM) and the team of (predominantly McGill) graduate students who helped to ensure a successful and enjoyable meeting.

Congratulations to Alex for this excellent meeting!

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