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editor's note
Liaison Newsletter

As the 2023/24 academic year begins, we at Liaison are in the process of revising the submission schedule to (1) make sure that time-sensitive articles (e.g., academic job postings & conference deadlines) are quickly released to all SSC members, and (2) to encourage all SSC members to contribute news, advertisements, announcements, and other notes of interest to Liaison. This includes, but is not limited to, updates from SSC committees, advertisements & post-hoc reports on conferences and workshops, and news from departments. All members of the SSC can submit articles to Liaison via the following instructions: If you have any trouble submitting your article, or have other Liaison questions, please contact us at

The fall 2023 submission schedule is as follows:

  • October Issue: please submit articles by September 15 via or by September 10 via email.
  • November Issue: please submit articles by October 15 via or by October 10 via email.
  • December Issue: please submit articles by November 15 via or by November 10 via email.

It is much preferable to have submissions directly uploaded to the SSC website to save our effort, but as html can be quite fickle, we can certainly help get your contribution online if necessary. Our goal is to have each issue in your inbox by the middle of each month, so please plan your time-sensitive articles accordingly.

Adam B Kashlak
Liaison Editor in Chief

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