Census at School Canada Opened for Another Year

Monday, September 19, 2016
Census at School Canada

The Census at School Canada project opened on Labour Day for another year of Canadian students collecting information about themselves and comparing their class to students from across Canada and other participating countries.  Census at School is an international classroom project designed to engage elementary and secondary school students in statistical reasoning.  In Canada, the project has been operated by the Statistical Society of Canada since 2012.  Canadian data collected in previous years shows that  the decline in the percentage of secondary school students who smoke is ongoing, and text messaging has replaced internet chat as the way that Canadian students prefer to communicate with each other when they aren’t together in person.


Over the summer, the back end of Census at School Canada was replaced with new technology to drive the online student questionnaire and the database of participating schools and classes.  This work will allow the project to provide better service to teachers, and to ensure its sustainability for many years to come.


More new functionality is planned, including a Canadian random data sampler and new data analysis tools, using the power of R and the interactivity of Shiny web apps, courtesy of 


Visit www.censusatschool.ca / www.recensementalecole.ca to learn more about Census at School Canada.