McGill University, Montréal, Québec

New: See photos of the conference on Flickr
*** The CSSC Program Booklet is Now Available ***
Click here to see the booklet, with schedule and information on all the sessions.
Note: Onsite registration will be possible on the day of the conference.
For other questions, please contact the organizing committee at
Many reasons to register!
- A keynote speech by Professor James Hanley from McGill University, on Things They Don’t Teach You in Graduate School (link to his bio)
- This is a great opportunity to present your research to a friendly audience
- Several prizes will be awarded, including:
- CMS-SMC Undergraduate Poster Competition Awards (150$ each)
- Best Posters of the SSC Student Conference Awards (150$ each)
- Best Oral Presentations of the SSC Student Conference Awards (150$ each)
- Abstract translation prize
- Travel Awards of up to 200$!
- This conference is 100% geared towards engaging students with
- a statistical workshop on reproducible research led by Sahir Bhatnagar, PhD candidate from McGill University (link to his bio)
- a career panel with well-established statisticians (link to the speakers' bios)
- a skills session on mental health in grad school and how to organize your time (link to the speakers' bios)
- a networking wine and cheese event at the end of the day
- … and much more!
Important information for abstract submission
The abstract submission deadline is March 1st, 2018. If you plan on submitting an abstract at both the annual SSC conference and the CSSC, note that you are not allowed to give the same presentation at both conferences.
New: We encourage French-speaking attendees to give their presentations in French with slides in English. Furthermore, students submitting an abstract in both languages (English and French) will be automatically registered to win a prize for abstract translation.
Take advantage of the early bird registration rate, when registering to both the SSC Annual Meeting and the Student Conference. You have until April 15th to get the early bird rate for the Annual Meeting, and May 18th to register to the Annual Meeting with the regular registration rate. You may also register after May 18th, at the onsite registration rate. Please note that the registration rate for the CSSC 2018 remains $60 at anytime.
CMS Undergraduate Poster Competition: details
The student conference is a good opportunity for undergraduate students to present their work and improve their presentation skills in a friendly environment. Undergraduate students who submit an abstract for a poster will be eligible to the CMS-SMC Undergraduate Poster Competition Award under the following conditions:
- submit an abstract for a poster, presenting research work you have done under the supervision of a faculty member;
- your supervisor must send an email to, confirming their involvement in the submitted work.
How to register? How to submit an abstract?
- Follow this link to create an account at (if you do not already have an account with the SSC) and register to the SSC Annual meeting
- The registration for CSSC is done through the registration form for the Annual Meeting of the SSC; the registration fee for the student conference alone is 60$. Once you signed in at the link above, you can fill the registration form for the main Annual Meeting and indicate that you register to the student conference (at the bottom of the form), but it is not mandatory to register for any other activity related to the main Annual Meeting: it is possible to fill just the student conference part if you do not want to attend the main Annual Meeting
- Please do not submit your abstract for the CSSC through the link above (the abstract submission for the main Annual Meeting and the student conference are independent and we will not receive your abstract if you do so). Follow this link to submit an abstract for CSSC. You must have registered to the CSSC (steps 1 and 2) prior to submitting an abstract.
Students from Canadian Universities can apply to travel awards (up to 200$) through the CSSC abstract submission form, in third page.
For any other question, please write directly to the organizing committee, at:
If you are looking for new job opportunities, please consider registering to the SSC Job Fair as either a Job Seeker or an Employer. The Job Fair will be held in conjunction with the 2018 SSC Annual Meeting in Montreal. Interviews will be held in the same week as the SSC Annual Meeting, and it is free for Job Seekers! Deadline for registration as a Job Seeker is May 11th, 2018. For more information, click here.
We wish to thank our sponsors: