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Title: The Data Scientist’s Workflow: EDA and Statistical Modeling with Python in Jupyter Notebooks

Speakers: Chris Holdgraf, UC Berkeley;
                  David Liu, University of Toronto;
                  Nathan Taback, University of Toronto;
                  Nathaniel Stevens, University of Waterloo;
Date: Saturday, June 12, 2021
Time: 13:00 - 16:00 (EDT)


  • Introduction to Jupyter (Chris Holdgraf, UC Berkeley)
  • Introduction to Python (David Liu, University of Toronto)
  • EDA with Python (Nathan Taback, University of Toronto)
  • Statistical Modelling with Python (Nathaniel Stevens, University of Waterloo)

Workshop format:

An interactive workshop where participants will gain hands on experience with statistical analysis using Python in a Jupyter notebook.  We will assume that participants have never used Python, but do have some experience with (statistical) programming in another language (e.g., R, SAS).

Total workshop time: ~180 min.