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Job Seekers and Employers are invited to participate in the Career Connections & Networking Sessions that will be held in conjunction with the 2019 SSC Annual Meeting in Calgary.
Job Seekers will have free participation in the Networking Sessions with SSC Annual Meeting registration. 

Employers will be charged \$200 to participate in the Networking Sessions; this amount will be reduced to \$150 for SSC Institutional Members or Employers with at least one SSC Accredited Statistician (P.Stat. or A.Stat.). Employers shall submit the application form for the networking sessions to both the event coordinator Dr. Bingrui (Cindy) Sun ( and SSC office (  The application form can be found here. Employers either send a cheque to SSC office or call in to office and pay via credit card. The SSC office can issue receipts. More detail of application is written on the application form.

Format: The career connections and networking session consists of a 30-min panel discussion followed by a roundtable networking event. At the beginning of the panel discussion, the student moderator will introduce the panelists and give them the opportunity to briefly introduce themselves and their company (about 5 minutes). The panel will consist of 5-6 industry professionals. During the roundtable networking event, each organization can host a table to connect in small group conversations. Each table has a capacity of 8. There are multiple rounds of roundtable networking sessions, so each organization can connect with all jobseekers. 

NEW DATE: May 27, 3-5pm, 2019.

Location: Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking, MacEwan Student Centre (MSC) 171, University of Calgary.  

Job Posting and Interview Scheduling Services

Career Services at the University of Calgary, local partner of the 2019 SSC Career Connections & Networking Sessions, is happy to offer employers job posting and interview scheduling services. In order to use such services, 

  • Employers must have an active CareerLink account. 
  • If an employer does not have an account they can fill out this form and Career Services will review and approve the account. 
  • Once the account is approved Employers can post their jobs for free. Here is the information with regards to Posting a Job.
  • In order to facilitate interview scheduling the job must be posted in CareerLink and applications must be set to “accumulate online”.  
  • Once the job posting has dead lined the employer needs to request an interview room and scheduling in their CareerLink account. The fee to book an interview room and scheduling is $240 + GST. For more information regarding Career Services’ fees please click here
  • For questions, email

Employers: please note that the fees for the career networking sessions and interview scheduling are separate. 


Bingrui (Cindy) Sun (2019 SSC Career Connections & Networking Sessions Coordinator, SSC Committee on Membership,
Cynthia Chan (Career Services, University of Calgary)
Kifah Alramahi (Career Services, University of Calgary)
Nora Molina (Career Services, University of Calgary)