Accreditation committees


Candidates for a three-year term (four to be elected)

Miguel Chagnon 

Miguel Chagnon has twenty years of experience as a professional statistician. He holds a BSc in mathematics and an MSc in statistics from the Université de Montréal. For over a decade he has worked as a consultant in the statistical consulting service of Université de Montréal’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics. In parallel, he lectures within the department and is pursuing a PhD in public health with specialization in epidemiology. He is an outgoing member of the SSC’s Accreditation Committee.
Sunita Ghosh
Sunita Ghosh received her master’s degree in Mathematics followed by a PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Saskatchewan. Currently she works as a Research Scientist at Alberta Health Services-CancerControl. She joined AHS in 2006 and joined the Department of Medical Oncology as an Assistant Clinical Professor in 2009. Her research interests are in the area of Cancer Biostatistics, longitudinal data analysis, model prognostication, survival analysis, quality of life data analysis and genetic analysis. She also serves as an elected member of Statistical Society of Canada Accreditation Committee, is on the Research Ethics Board of CancerControl and on the Investigator Initiated Clinical Trial Research Funding Committee.
Guangyu Fu
Guangyu Yu currently is an Associate Director at Scotia Bank. Prior to joining Scotia, he was Vice-President in TD Bank. He develops exotic quantitative models in equity and interest rate products for traders. Yu earned a PhD at the University of Toronto and was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California at Berkeley. He has authored several articles in peer-reviewed journals. Yu recently co-authored a chapter of a book by Springer-Verlag and was invited to give a talk on quantitative finance in the SSC 2014 Annual Meeting. Today statistics has been widely applied in business. As a candidate for the SSC Accreditation Committee, Yu would like to commit to the following responsibilities through his hard work: 1) to assess and review the applications of statisticians professionally and diligently; 2) to promote SSC Accredited Statistician Designation so that they are  recognized by the biggest financial institutions and associations.
Kevin Keen
Kevin Keen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and a member of the Health Research Institute at the University of Northern British Columbia. He was accredited as a P.Stat. in 2005. He is the author of the textbook “Graphics for Statistics and Data Analysis with R.” Kevin has served as a Director of the Statistical Society of Canada, Chair of the Committee of the Award for Case Studies in Data Analysis, and a member of the Awards Committee. His research interests include interrater reliability and statistical methodology for complex diseases.
Charles Paltiel
Chuck Paltiel is a statistician at the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. Chuck obtained a BSc in Mathematics and Economics from the University of Victoria and an MSc in Statistics from Simon Fraser University. Prior to working at ICBC, he held the positions of Managing Consultant of the UBC Statistics Department consulting office (SCARL) and Biostatistician at the BC Cancer Agency. His recent statistical interests include applying multistate modeling methods to insurance claims data, and data mining. Chuck is currently serving on the Accreditation Services Committee.

Candidates for a two-year term (four to be elected)

Sylvia Esterby

Sylvia Esterby is Associate Professor of Statistics, University of British Columbia Okanagan. Prior to 2000, she was Research Scientist at the National Water Research Institute, Burlington. While there she contributed to training workshops and short courses nationally and internationally and served on national and bi-national committees concerned with water quality. Her research area is environmental statistics. She held a number of positions in the Statistical Society of Canada, including President Biostatistics Section and member of Accreditation and Accreditation Appeals Committees. She has promoted statistics in environmental sciences through roles in The International Environmetrics Society (TIES) since its inception, including President.
Daniel Morissette
Daniel Morissette, P.Stat., is President of the consulting firm StatExpert Inc. which he founded in 2008. He provides statistical expertise, particularly to the pharmaceutical industry. Daniel studied statistics at Université Laval (BSc and MSc.) where he graduated in 1991. He began as a statistician at INRS-Eau, and worked as a consultant at Service de Consultation Statistique de l’Université Laval. However, it is at Merck pharmaceutical, where he worked for 17 years, that he spent most of his career. He was hired as a statistician in clinical research and later promoted to management positions. He also acted as a statistical consultant for other departments. To date, he has accumulated over 23 years of experience as a biostatistician.
Lorinda Simms
Lorinda Simms is a research scientist/statistician at Eli Lilly Canada Inc and has worked in health research for over 15 years. She has taught statistical seminars for non-statisticians, within Eli Lilly (globally) and at local colleges and universities, and has two related publications. She has been on the executive of The Applied Biostatistics Association (TABA), based in Toronto for more than 10 years. Her areas of interest are in clinical trials across medical specialties, and statistical education for non-statisticians. She has many publications in medical journals such as Journal of Clinical Oncology, Journal of Thoracic Oncology, Lancet Oncology and others.
Lorne Rothman
Lorne Rothman is Principal Statistician with SAS Institute Canada, teaching and consulting in the areas of classical statistics, data and text mining, and time series analysis to a wide variety of private and public sector organizations across North America. He joined SAS in 1998. He holds Bachelors and Masters of Science degrees from the University of Toronto and a PhD in Ecology from the University of British Columbia. His interests include predictive modeling, time series (ARIMAX) forecasting, and applications of mixed and generalized linear models in healthcare and financial services.
Fred Spiring
During his career as a statistician Fred Spiring has had the opportunity to participate in many aspects of government, academia and industry. In addition to traditional academic teaching and research, he has provided short courses to several industries; been involved in initiating quality programs at Pollard Banknote, the University of Manitoba and University of Western Ontario; conducted industrial research; and provided civil service for the governments of Canada and Jamaica. He has had the opportunity to apply his research on “process capability” within several industries, while his civil service has focused on the areas of food and drug testing and on gender studies.

Candidates for a one-year term (four to be elected)

Karelyn Davis
Karelyn Davis is a Statistician with Health Canada, conducting statistical research to study the health effects of exposure to environmental factors such as air and water pollutants. She often collaborates with other scientific researchers on epidemiological and laboratory studies. She also offers statistical training to government colleagues and has taught undergraduate statistics courses on a part-time basis. Prior to joining Health Canada, Karelyn was employed as a methodologist with Statistics Canada. After completing her PhD in Statistics at Carleton University, she is currently the Secretary of the Statistical Society of Ottawa and an Adjunct Research Professor with Carleton University.
Steve Doucette
Steve began his career at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute as a methodologist for the Ottawa Methods Centre. He served as a consultant and statistician in a wide array of health research, including the design and analysis of clinical trial and observational studies, diagnostic testing, propensity matching for case control studies and meta-analytic techniques for pooling multiple trial data. Steve currently acts as the Senior Biostatistician within the Research Methods Unit (RMU) at Capital Health in Nova Scotia and as a statistical consultant for various research groups across Canada.
Chandima Karunanayake
Chandima Karunanayake is a Professional Research Associate in the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture at University of Saskatchewan. She is a life member of the Statistical Association of Sri Lanka, Member of the Alumni Association for Applied and Biostatistics, University of Hasselt, Belgium, Member of American Statistical Association (2006-2009) and Member of Statistical Society of Canada from 2003 to present. Chandima received a BSc in Statistics from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka in 1997, Masters degrees from the University of Hasselt, Belgium and the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, and a PhD in Statistics from the University of Saskatchewan in 2007. Her areas of interest are longitudinal data analysis, multivariate data, and genetic data analysis. She has over 15 years of experience as an applied statistician and biostatistician.
Georges Monette
Georges Monette is an Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at York University. He received his PhD in Statistics at the University of Toronto in 1980. He consults in many areas of statistical application, has given expert testimony on longitudinal data analysis, and teaches graduate courses and workshops on statistical consulting and applied statistics. He has been coordinator of York’s Statistical Consulting Service and Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. He is a current member of the Accreditation Committee and past President of the Southern Ontario Regional Association of the SSC. His current interests include statistical visualization, longitudinal data analysis, and promoting the public awareness of statistics to educators and to the public. He has been a P.Stat.since 2005.
Mahmoud Zarepour
Mahmoud Zarepour joined the University of Ottawa in 1997 as an Assistant Professor and currently is an Associate Professor in statistics. His research interests are divided into two principal areas. The first is the study of infinite variance random variables and their applications in time series analysis. The consistency for resampling is one of his specialties and has several key applications to statistics, specifically in time series analysis. The second area is the application of random probability measures in nonparametric Bayesian inference. This is a unified approach for studying a collection of processes such as the Dirichlet process, the two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet process, the normalized inverse Gaussian process and the Beta process. He investigates many applications to statistical problems, such as model selection, hidden variable models, machine learning, censored data, nonparametric tests and spatial processes. His research also involves computational aspects of these problems for faster and more efficient algorithms.


Candidates for a three year term

Cynthia Bocci
Cynthia Bocci is a mathematical statistician at Statistics Canada. Over the past few years she has contributed to the SSC in several ways, serving as secretary of the Statistical Society of Ottawa, secretary of the Survey Methods Section of the SSC, chair of the Bilingualism Committee, and elected member of the Accreditation Committee. Currently she is the Executive Secretary of the SSC. She holds professional designations from the SSC as well as the American Statistical Association. She would very much appreciate the opportunity to serve the SSC as a member of the Accreditation Appeals Committee.
Fernando Camacho
Fernando has over 25 years of consulting experience in the areas of engineering, clinical research and business. He currently works in Toronto as Principal of DAMOS Inc. In this role, he negotiates contracts, manages projects and collaborates on the analysis of data. He also enjoys lecturing at the University of Waterloo. Fernando has served the Statistical Society of Canada as an Ontario representative, as President of the Business and Industrial Statistical Section (BISS) and on several occasions as a member of the Accreditation Committee.

Candidates for a two-year term

Peter Adamic
Peter Adamic holds a Bachelor’s degree in Actuarial Science from the University of Waterloo, with several years of corporate actuarial experience. He went on to complete Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Statistics at the University of Guelph, specializing in the area of nonparametric survival analysis. Peter is currently a Professional Statistician with the Statistical Society of Canada and an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Laurentian University.
Melanie Poulin-Costello
Melanie Poulin-Costello is a principal biostatistician at Amgen Canada since 2007. In this role, she focuses on health technology assessment. Her other areas of interest include longitudinal data analysis with missing data, and time to event analysis particularly with competing risks. She also shares her passion of statistics by offering education seminars to physicians and teaching in the post-graduate clinical research program at Humber College. Previously, Melanie was a senior biostatistician and the global statistical lead for the anti-cancer treatment sorafenib at Bayer. Melanie is P.Stat. and earned her MSc from University of Victoria, and BMath from University of Waterloo. Melanie is married with 3 wonderful children and enjoys painting and drawing in her spare time.

Candidates for a two-year term

Hélène Crépeau
Hélène Crépeau is a professional consultant in the statistical consulting service in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Laval University since 1985. She obtained a BSc (1978) in actuarial science from Laval University and an MSc (1983) in statistics from the University of British Columbia. She has served on the Committee on Women in Statistics and on the Accreditation Committee of the SSC. She works with researchers in various fields: agriculture, biology, forestry, medicine, etc. Her collaboration has led to some publications in different journals.
Peter Macdonald
Peter Macdonald joined McMaster University in 1971 and became Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics in 2010. Sabbatical positions included l’Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale in Villejuif, France, and La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia. He has served as an ad hoc member of numerous Scientific Advisory Panels for the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Peter has held offices in the SSC since 1979, including Program Chair 1980, Treasurer 1981-84, Liaison Managing Editor 1988-91, President-Elect 1989-90, President 1990-91, Past President 1991-92, Local Arrangements Chair 2002, Web Editor 2000-08, Electronic Services Manager 2007-08, Electronic Communications Manager 2013-15, Accreditation Appeals Committee 2012-14. He was awarded the SSC Plaque for Distinguished Service in 1989 and received P.Stat. accreditation in 2005.