The CSSC 2020 has transitioned to an online conference now open to the general public in response to the rapidly deteriorating situation with COVID-19.
The conference will be hosted through Zoom Webinar and registration for the event is now free. Please register if you would like to participate. Please visit our Annual Meeting Update page for detailed information about online events and continuous Covid-19 updates.
NEW: The conference program and Zoom access instructions are now available.
NEW: Photos are now available on the SSC Flickr account!
Please join us at this annual conference, organized entirely by students, for students! It is a great opportunity to present your work in a low-stress environment.
Some of the features planned for this year Include:
- A keynote speech by Dr. David Haziza from Université de Montréal.
- A career session with panelists from academia, government, and industry:
- Dr. Mireille Schnitzer, Professor at Université de Montréal
- Kathryn Mills, Manager (Advanced Analytics/AI) at the Canada Revenue Agency
- Reuben Pereira, Manager (Data Science) at The Home Depot
- Scientific Workshop on efficient literature reviews using Python, by Blair Bilodeau, Ph.D. candidate in Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto
- Oral/Poster Presentation Sessions
- ... and much more!
Several prizes will be awarded at the undergraduate, Master’s and PhD level for:
- CMS-STUDC Undergraduate Poster Competition Award
- Best Graduate Posters of the 2020 CSSC
- Best Oral Presentations of the 2020 CSSC
Registration for the online conference has now opened. Abstract submission for the 2020 CSSC has ended.
The abstract submission deadline is Monday, March 9th, 2020 at 11:59PM Eastern Time. If you plan on submitting an abstract at both the annual SSC conference and the CSSC, note that you are NOT allowed to give the same presentation at both conferences. However, we do welcome submissions presented in a different format from the SSC presentation (e.g. oral presentation at CSSC and poster presentation at SSC), or submissions with considerably different content.
We encourage French-speaking attendees to give their presentations in French with slides in English. Participants who submit their abstracts in both English and French are automatically entered in a random draw for our Translation Award! Submissions using an online translator will not be considered for this draw.
CMS-STUDC Undergraduate Poster Competition details:
The student conference is a good opportunity for undergraduate students to present their work and improve their presentation skills in a friendly environment. Undergraduate students who submit an abstract for a poster will be eligible for the CMS-STUDC Undergraduate Poster Competition Award, sponsored by the Student Committee of the Canadian Mathematical Society, under the following conditions:
- submit an abstract for a poster, presenting research work you have done under the supervision of a faculty member;
- your supervisor must send an email to ssc.student.conference@gmail.com, confirming their supervision of your submitted work by Friday, March 13, 2020.
How to register? How to submit an abstract?
Follow this link to register for the online CSSC.
Please note that your abstract for the CSSC and the main SSC Annual Meeting are independent.
Follow this link to submit an abstract for CSSC. You must have registered to the CSSC (steps 1 and 2) prior to submitting an abstract.
For any other question, please write directly to the organizing committee, at: ssc.student.conference@gmail.com
We would also like to thank our sponsors: