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Congrés annuel 1994 de la SSC

Banff, Alberta

Multiplicity Problems in Clinical Trials

C Legault, Wake Forest University

A Donner, University of Western Ontario
Issues of Interpretation Arising from Multiple Subgroups in Clinical Trials

N Geller, NHLBI, Bethesda, MD
Multiple Endpoints in Clinical Trials

D Reboussin, Wake Forest University
Interim Analyses in Repeated Measures Designs

Forecasting and Modelling of Wheat Yields

J Babb, Canadian Grain Commission

P Bullock, The Canadian Wheat Board
Turning Satellite Images into Grain Yields

D Stewart, Agriculture Canada
Modelling of Plant Growth

J Babb, Canadian Grain Commission
Climatic Teleconnections and the Prediction of Wheat Yields

The Use of Highly Correlated Prognostic Factors

J Chapman, Henrietta Banting Breast Center

CHD Andrews, University of Toronto; K Berhane, University of Toronto
Generalized Additive Models for Dependent Data

J Chapman, Henrietta Banting Breast Center
Statistical Ramifications of the Proliferation of New Prognostic Factors for Breast Cancer

M Leblanc, University of Toronto
Combining Adaptive Regression Technics

Medical Imaging

J Meloche, University of British Columbia

U Grenander, Brown University
Understanding Pathology Patterns

K Worsley, McGill University The Geometry of Random Fields with Applications to Medical Images

J Meloche, University of British Columbia

Correspondence Analysis

Y Lepage, University of Montreal

S Nishisato, University of Toronto
Analysis of Categorical Data by Quantification: Problems and Possibilities

R Latour, University of Montreal
Applications of Correspondence Analysis in Professional Burnout

Statistical Issues in Human Genetic Studies

G Darlington, Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation

E Thompson, University of Washington
Monte Carlo Likelihood in the Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Traits

K Morgan, McGill University
Human Genetic Data Analysis: Some Examples and Problems