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On SSC board approval to be a Professional Statistician (P.Stat.), or Associate Statistician (A.Stat.), you receive a commercial trademark “franchisee” P.Stat./A.Stat. number. You can think of it as being like a company’s franchise #. 
What? How did I get that?
SSC accreditation organizers sought a legal framework for their pending program by considering Canadian professional designation model-types (1):
1. Actuarial (National Charter, by Act of Canadian Parliament) 
2. Professions (Medicine, Law, Engineers; Provincial Charters) 
3. Physicists (National Federal Commercial Trademark)   
At the time, types 1.–3. all had examinations. Actuarial exams were run in conjunction with the American Society of Actuaries. Examinations were not viewed as possible without the American Statistical Association (ASA), nor were they viewed as necessary since most formal statistical education is already graded through university courses. Statisticians hold quite a spectrum of different professional roles in society, which would not easily be defined for a national charter. Provincial charters would franchise heterogeneous groups of professional statisticians in only a few provinces. The physicists’ model of federal commercial trademarking seemed feasible with national identification for a relatively small group of participants. The physicists’ commercial legal team looked after SSC accreditation, and there was a sharing of previously developed materials and procedures that were customized to statistical perspectives and needs. 
An important caveat of the Canadian trademarking process is that you are accredited for professional statistical practice in Canada. Should you want accreditation professional recognition in other countries you should apply for another accreditation which is facilitated with active and maintained SSC accreditation status. A number of SSC accredited are jointly accredited/chartered by the ASA, Royal Statistical Society (RSS), or Statistical Society of Australia (SSA).
So, now you know what your accredited number means. SSC accredited may proudly advertise their formal accreditation status.
Judy-Anne Chapman, PhD, P.Stat. (002), PStat® (ASA)
(1) SSC Accreditation—The Canadian Model, Judy-Anne Chapman, Proceedings of Joint Statistical Meetings 2078–2085, 2007. 

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