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Ken McRae, Ph.D., P.Stat. (001)
Liaison Newsletter

Ken McRae, P.Stat. (001), was a dynamic enthusiastic and much appreciated member of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC). Ken was recently recognized as part of the 20th celebration of SSC accreditation, as the first proponent of SSC federal trademarking of P.Stat. (Professional Statistician)/A.Stat. (Associate Statistician). Ken's recognition was announced to all accredited in January, and he agreed that it would be announced over the SSC's new social media platform as well as included in an upcoming edition of the SSC's Liaison newsletter to all SSC members.

Shirley Mills (SSC president 2023–24) recalls with fondness the many enlightening discussions at SSC meetings reaching back to the 1970s that she had with Ken regarding statistical consulting and statistical training in general. Ken was active in the early days of a SSC statistical consulting committee and was one of the pioneers behind SSC accreditation of statisticians in Canada.  He was the embodiment of a professional statistician, always open to sharing interesting insights on a variety of topics. Ken was a true gentleman and scholar, and his wise counsel will be sorely missed. Shirley Mills had Ken's memoriam note posted on the SSC website with recognition of Ken as a longtime SSC member and our first P.Stat. In memoriam: Ken McRae, a longtime SSC member and our first P.Stat. | Statistical Society of Canada  

Hugh Chipman, P.Stat. (086), recently enjoyed a long telephone conversation with Ken, and reported that Ken maintained his interest in statistics with a paper in progress.

Ying Zhang, P.Stat. (078), recalled the tour of the Kentville Research Station that Ken gave to her statistical consulting students as well as a guest lecture for the same class. 

Paul Cabilio first met Ken in 1972 and interacted with him over the years, always finding Ken helpful and enthusiastic. 

Trevor Avery, P.Stat. (066), remembers meeting Ken during his graduate student days. Ken was an engaged member of the local arrangements committee when Acadia hosted the SSC annual meeting in 2011.

Fernando Camacho, P.Stat. (012), remembers Ken as a very positive person and a great supporter and contributor to accreditation. 

Reg Kulperger says he met Ken at several SSC meetings and during a couple of other visits to the Maritimes. "He was always interesting to talk with, often about education and applied statistics related to agriculture and the role on statistics in science and public policy." Reg says, "I always enjoyed the opportunity to chat with him at these meetings." 

Judy-Anne Chapman, P.Stat. (002), very much appreciated Ken's wise counsel and strong support during the foundational phase of accreditation.   



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