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Liaison Newsletter

The following is a list of the award winners from the SSC 2024 Annual Meeting.  Congratulations to all of the awardees!

General Presentation Award


Ladan Tazik, University of British Columbia Okanagan
Ana Carolina da Cruz, University of Western Ontario
Skye Paphora Griffith, Queen's University

Honourable Mention:

Tia Der (undergraduate student), University of British Columbia Okanagan

Actuarial Science Presentation Award


Sébastien Jessup (first prize), Concordia University
Kathleen E. Miao (second prize), University of Toronto
Xiyue Han (second prize), University of Waterloo



Emily Somerset, University of Toronto
Luke Hagar, University of Waterloo

Honourable Mention:

Ziqiuan Zhuang, University of Toronto
Malcolm Risk, University of Michigan

Business and Industrial Statistics Presentation Award


Golshid Aflaki, HEC Montréal

Honourable Mention:

Lasith Chamindu Pranath Pussella, Brock University

Data Science and Analytics Presentation Award


Kyu Min Shim, University of Waterloo
Nathan Phelps, University of Western Ontario

Honourable Mention:

Trang Bui, University of Waterloo

Probability Presentation Award


Ian Waudby-Smith, Carnegie Mellon University

Poster Presentation Award


Andrew Putman, Ontario Tech University

Award for Case Study 1

Chair: Chel Hee Lee
Mentor: Qihuang Zhang

Award for Case Study 2

Jasper Zhongyuan Zhang
Linke Lee
Mei Dong
Ziqian Zhuang
Mentor: Pingzhao Hu


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