The SSC’s student and recent graduate committee (SARGC) recently hosted its inaugural Comic Strip Competition. The purpose of the competition was to provide students and recent graduates with a fun outlet to engage with the Canadian statistics community. The SARGC would like to thank all students and recent graduates who participated in the competition; your comic strips were fantastic! Prizes were awarded for first ($100), second ($75), and third ($50) place.
The third prize was awarded to Md. Ashiqul Haque, a PhD student from the University of Manitoba, for the following comic strip:
The second prize was awarded to Yuliya Nesterova, a master’s student from Carleton University, for the following comic strip:
The first prize was awarded to Umar Khan, an undergraduate student from Queen’s University, for the following comic strip:
Please join the SARGC in congratulating all the winners! We hope to see you at a future SARGC event.