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2022-2023 Accreditation Services Committee:/Comité des services d'accréditation 2022-2023
Liaison Newsletter

The SSC accreditation program celebrates 20 years of awarding the P.Stat. (Professional Statistician) designation in 2024. The accreditation services committee surveyed attendees during the accreditation annual general meeting and social at the 2023 SSC Annual Meeting about ideas for how we celebrate the event.

In review, the program now offers:

  1. Renewed Canadian Federal Trademarking: P.Stat. (LMC/TMA #668,598); A.Stat. (LMC/TMA #668,599).
  2. Accreditation logos which A.Stat./P.Stat. members in good standing may use for personal promotion such as on a website, business card, name plate, pen, and door/wall signage.
  3. A professional list of SSC accredited members for public verification of accredited status for practice in Canada:
  4. Mentoring of A.Stat. (Associate Statistician) by P.Stat. for 6 years with a new mentoring facilitator, Darcy Pickard (, to facilitate mentoring matching.
  5. Networking amongst A.Stat. and P.Stat. with the accredited-only searchable mentoring/networking database.
  6. SSC office recording of professional development which supports maintenance of professional competencies for individual P.Stat./A.Stat. accredited practice.
  7. Code of Ethics guidelines for professional practice. 
  8. Online professional development resources which include a book club organized by a mentee-mentor team Kathryn Morrison (A.Stat.) and Fernando Camacho (P.Stat.). The book selected for this year is Hernán M.A. and Robins J. M. (2020), Causal Inference: What If (Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC).

The Accreditation Services Committee now actively seeks input from accredited members to plan an evolution of programming and expansion of services for 2024 in terms of ideas for the 2024 celebration, 2024 SSC Annual Meeting accreditation sponsored session(s) and workshop, virtual professional development, linkages to regional resources particularly soliciting French language materials. Accredited are also encouraged to recommend names of individuals (including personal nomination) for elections to the accreditation and accreditation appeals committees.

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