Over the past few months, the student and recent graduates committee of the SSC (SARGC) held their first short video competition. The purpose of this inaugural competition was to promote engagement within the statistics community by sharing knowledge, experiences, and day-to-day involvement with statistics, using a short video as medium. Participants were thus asked to create a short 5-minute video that answered the question: “Why is statistics important in our society?”, with emphasis in communicating the relevance of statistics to other students and non-statisticians, with prizes of $100 awarded to the top three ranking teams.
In total, six teams/participants from across Canada participated in the competition. The judges’ opinions were unequivocal: all submitted videos were excellent and entertaining. However, the top three videos that distinguished themselves by their originality, delivery, and content were (in no particular order):
- The ggnot team: Melissa Van Bussel (Carleton University) and Dylan Spicker (University of Waterloo)
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfmM7Km-Er4
Melissa Van Bussel & Dylan Spicker
- Laure Delambre and Cindy Dubois (UQAM)
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLoceR3825Q
- Olivier Chabot (Carleton University)
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKyJCUMoKJ4
Olivier Chabot
Please take some time to encourage our winners by watching their videos. Delivering statistical content to a lay audience is arduous but these participants rose to the challenge with brio. Their work is an echo of their passion for statistics!
Congratulations again to all that participated and keep posted for our next competition!
Steve Ferreira Guerra, Thai-Son Tang, and Janie Coulombe
On behalf of the SARGC