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The ninth annual Canadian Statistics Student Conference (CSSC) will take place on Saturday, June 5, 2021, the day before the Statistical Society of Canada 2021 Annual Meeting opens. Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the CSSC 2021 will be entirely online and free.

This conference is all about engaging students through research presentations, statistical skill development workshops and talks, and an interactive career session with invited statisticians from different professional areas.

Keynote: We are pleased to announce a keynote address given by Professor Luc Devroye, James McGill Professor at McGill University. Professor Devroye has made outstanding research contributions in the fields of random number generation, density estimation, pattern recognition, and the analysis of algorithms and data structures. Dr. Devroye has been the recipient of many distinguished awards, including the 2008 SSC Gold Medal. 

Career Panel:

  • Dave Campbell, Professor at Carleton University
  • Matthew van Bommel, Data Scientist at Sacramento Kings
  • Edward Chen, Chief of Social Survey Methods Division at Statistics Canada
  • Tingting Wen, Director of Variable Annuity Pricing & Reporting at Sun Life Investments

The conference will also offer a career skills session, a hands-on computational workshop on R Shiny, and a networking lunch. Detailed conference information will be shared on the SSC website.

The following prizes will be awarded for undergraduate, master’s and PhD levels:

  • Best Posters of the SSC Student Conference Awards
  • Best Oral Presentations of the SSC Student Conference Awards

Mentors: This is a great opportunity to introduce or encourage conference participation and enhance your students’ skills in presenting their research. You are also invited to register and support them! 

Registration will begin soon and is open to students, recent graduates, faculty, and other members of the statistics community. 

For more information, please contact the SSC Student Conference organizing committee at


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