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Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute
Liaison Newsletter

New CANSSI Collaborative Research Teams for 2021

We had an unprecedented number LOIs for our Collaborative Research Team (CRT) projects this year.  After a detailed review process by our Scientific Advisory Committee along with external reviewers who are specialists in the relevant fields, five new CRTs were chosen and will begin their projects in 2021. We’re pleased to present:

CANSSI Graduate Student Exchange Scholarships—No Travel Required!

The CANSSI Graduate Student Exchange Scholarship (CANSSI-GSES) program is designed to foster acquisition of new knowledge and skill sets, provide exposure to new areas of research and application, encourage co-discovery of new statistical methodology, provide co-supervision of thesis research, and create new and/or strengthen existing collaborations. While originally designed with a travel component in mind, this program also allows remote collaboration with faculty at another CANSSI member university or collaboration with a faculty sponsor outside of statistics, biostatistics, or actuarial science in the same university. See our website for eligibility details.

CANSSI National Seminar Series—Winter/Spring 2021

We’re excited to present the Winter/Spring 2021 CANSSI National Seminar Series. The first three speakers’ talks will touch on causal inference and its applications.

  • January 28, 2021—Linbo Wang, University of Toronto
  • February 25, 2021—Trevor Small, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
  • March 25, 2021—Fabrizia Mealli, Università degli Studi di Firenze

For the last seminar in the series, Grace Yi from Western University will be our distinguished lecturer on April 22, 2021.

Graduate students around the country are encouraged to join or create a journal club at their university. For each seminar, the speaker will recommend a paper or two. Students can discuss the paper at their journal club, learn more about the topic at the seminar and then have a chance to interact with the speaker at the student session following the seminar.

Head over to our website to learn more about the seminars, journal clubs, and how to join us online.


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