Creation of a Data Science and Analytics Section

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SSC Data Science and Analytics Section.

Report to Donors: What Your Contributions Have Made Possible

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See what your donations have made possible. 

SSC 2020—Student Research Presentation Awards

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Student Research Presentation Awards at the SSC Annual Meeting 2020.

SARGC Wants to Hear from Students and Recent Graduates


SARGC wants to connect with statisticians across Canada with the 2019–2020 inaugural survey.

CANSSI News and Deadlines

Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute

CANSSI news and deadlines.

A Warm Welcome to Four New Colleagues

U of T Department of Statistical Sciences logo

The Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto welcomes four new colleagues.

Carleton University Welcomes Professor Dave Campbell 

Carleton University Logo

Professor Dave Campbell joined the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Carleton University.

Job Announcement: Tenure-Track Position—Data Science

The School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences at the University of Prince Edward Island invites applications for a tenure-track position in the field of data science at the rank of Associate or Assistant Professor.