New Accreditations of the SSC

It is with great pleasure that the Board of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) awarded the P.Stat. or A.Stat. designation to the following individuals.

Two levels of accreditation, the Professional Statistician (P.Stat.) and the Associate Statistician (A.Stat.), are offered by the SSC. The qualification of A.Stat. is intended to indicate that the holder has completed a course of study equivalent to a major or honours degree in statistics, or in exceptional instances, has otherwise demonstrated an advanced understanding of statistical theory and its application. The qualification of P.Stat. is intended to indicate that the holder has the necessary academic qualifications and a minimum of six years of professional experience in the application of statistics. See also: How to apply.

P.Stat. #179

Jill Vandermeerschen 


Jill has been the statistician and coordinator of the Service de consultation en analyse de données (SCAD) of the University of Québec in Montréal (UQAM) since 2013. She was previously working as a statistician for the drug addiction service at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Sherbrooke where she specialized in statistical consultation, biostatistics and applied statistics in an academic research environment. She collaborates with researchers and students from numerous fields including biology, earth sciences, psychology, didactics, linguistics, etc.


2009, MSc Statistics, University of Montréal

2005, BSc Actuarial Mathematics, Concordia University

Current Position:

Statistician and coordinator, Service de consultation en analyses de données (SCAD), University of Québec in Montréal (UQAM)


P.Stat. #180

Chetan Adhikari

Chetan is currently working as a Data Analyst in the Linear Property Assessment Unit, Assessment Service Branch, Municipal Affairs. Besides MSc degrees in Applied Statistics and Biostatistics, he has earned a Master’s degree in Geo-Informatics. He also possesses SAS basic and advanced certifications as well as the ArcGIS Technology Specialty Certificate and the Geographical Information Systems Certificate. Having work experience on different kinds of data, he also has experience in teaching and consulting.


2013, MSc  Biostatistics, University of Alberta

2009, MSc  Applied Statistics, Wright State University 

2006, MSc  Geo-Informatics, International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation

1999, BSc  Statistics, Tribhuvan University

Current Position:

Data Analyst, Assessment Service Branch, Municipal Affairs, Government of Alberta

A.Stat #123

Nidhi Patel

Nidhi Patel attained her BSc degree in Mathematics and Statistics at McMaster University and recently finished her MSc degree in Statistics at McMaster University. Nidhi's Masters' thesis topic was longitudinal clustering via multivariate power exponential distributions.


2016, MSc Statistics, McMaster University

2015, BSc Mathematics and Statistics (statistics specialization), McMaster University

Current position:

Recent MSc graduate


A.Stat. #124

Bingying Li 


Having diligently studied statistics for six years, Bingying has developed profound and extensive understanding of statistical inference, models and methods. Her Master's thesis focuses on biomarker evaluation and explores new threshold methods to evaluate medical tests with censored data. These methods show exceptional results in medical diagnoses, especially when the disease is rare, which can also be applied to censored data. She is now working as a data analyst at BC Safety Authority; her responsibilities include using traditional statistical techniques and advanced statistical techniques to analyze data and identify trends in complex datasets.


2015, MSc Statistics, Simon Fraser University

2011, BSc Statistics, North Carolina State University

Current Position:

Data Analyst, BC Safety Authority



Friday, August 25, 2017

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