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The 2024-25 Canadian ISLP poster competition invites Grade 4 to postsecondary students to participate.
Liaison Newsletter

Organized by the SSC statistics education committee, the 2024–2025 Canadian ISLP poster competition invites Grade 4 to postsecondary students to create posters to demonstrate their statistical literacy skills. Winners of the Canadian competition will represent Canada in the international ISLP competition (run by the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE), the education section of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)) which is taking place shortly thereafter.

There is no specific theme for this competition. Any posters that demonstrate the use, analysis, and interpretation of data will be eligible. It is completely FREE to participate in the competition and prizes will be announced in the fall.

Posters may be submitted between December 1, 2024, and February 28, 2025. For more information see the competition website ( or contact Dr. Bingrui (Cindy) Sun (

More information will be shared as it become available. In the meantime, please share this with any teachers and faculty you think may be interested. And, if you will be teaching a statistic and/or a data science course in the upcoming months, please consider integrating this competition into your course!

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